Identifications K
KAYSER, Philip
K1 Gegenbeweisung, dass die Heidelbergische Theologen Gottes wort der Augspurgischen Confession, deroselben Apologia, vnd der Concordia Anno 36, mit nichten vngemess lehren, noch von ihrem Catechismo abweichen. Heidelberg, [A. Smesmann], 1594. 4º. - S: VD16; or: - Amberg, [M. Forster], 1595. 4º. - S: VD16; or: - - - 1596. 4º. - All three editions are anonymous. - S: VD16. - Ger Inc [10]
KECKERMANNUS, Bartholomaeus
K2 Systema logicae. Hanoviae, apud G. Antonium, 1600. 8º. - S: STCG; or: - Editio Sexta. Hanoviae, apud haeredes G. Antonii, 1613. 8º.- S: Paisey. - Hist 8º 25
K3 De stella nova in pede Serpentarii. Pragae, typis P. Sessii, impensis authoris, 1606. 2 pt. 4º. - With other works with their own title-pages, the last two with the imprints respectively 'Francofurti' and 'Francofurti, in officina W. Richteri'. - S: Paisey. - Hist 4º 111(1)
K4 Dioptrice. Praemissae epistolae Galilaei. Augustae Vindelicorum, typis D. Franci, 1611. 4º. - S: Paisey. - Inc [41]
K5 Nova stereometria doliorum vinariorum inprimis Austriaci figurae aptissimae. Lincij, I. Plancus, sumptibus Authoris, 1615. fol. - S: Paisey. - Inc [4]
KERN, Ulrich
K6 Eyn new kunstlichs wolgegründts Visierbüch. Strassburg, P. Schöffer bey H. Schwyntzern, 1531. fol. - S: STCG; with thanks to Marja Smolenaars. - Ger fol 34
K7 Alchimia, Das ist, alle Farben, Wasser, Olea, Salia, vnd Alumins, damit man alle Corpora, Spiritus vnnd Calces Prepariert, zubereyten. Franckfort am Meyn, C. Egenolffs Erben, 1570. 8º. - Anonymous. - S: VD16. - Ger 8º-12º 7(3)
KIMEDONTIUS, Jacobus, the Elder
K8 De redemtione generis humani libri tres. Heidelbergae, typis A. Smesmanni, 1592. 8º. - S: VD16. - Th 8º 120(1)
K9 Synopsis de redemtione et praedestinatione. Accessere et theses de praedestinatione per Iohannem Brentium. Heidelbergae, A. Smesmannus. 1593. 8º. - S: VD16. - Th 8º 120(2)
K10 Concordantiae Veteris Testamenti Graecae, Ebraeis vocibus respondentes. Francofurti, apud C. Marnium, & heredes I. Aubrii, 1607. 3 pt. 4º. - The sale catalogue specifies folio, but this edition has a possible title and formats are often enough wrongly described. See also ISAAC ben Kalonymos Nathan. – S: CL. - Th fol 12
K11 Regnum papisticum. Opus lectu iucundum omnibus veritatem amantibus. [Basel, J. Oporinus], 1553. 8º. - S: STCG; or: - Basileae, ex officina I. Oporini, 1559. 8º. S: STCG. - Hist 8º 218
K12 Klägliche Supplication an den allergrossmächtigsten Monarchen Christum Jesum Schutzherrn der Catholischen Christlichen Kirchen aller armen betrangten gefangenen vnd verfolgten Christen. [c.1593]. 12º. - S: VD16. - Ger 8º-12º 43
KLING, Melchior
K13 In principuos secundi Libri Decretalium titulos, commentarii. Lugduni, apud haeredes I. Iuntae, 1551. 8º. - S: Baudrier. - JC 4º-16º 26
K14 In quatuor Institutionum Iuris Principis Iustiniani libros enarrationes. Lugduni, apud G. Rouillium; pr. M. Bonhomme, 1548. 8º. - S: CL; or: - - apud P. Mirallietum; pr. M. Bonhomme, 1548. 8º. - S: Baudrier; - or: - - -, 1554. 8º. - S: Baudrier; or: - - apud G. Rouillium, 1566. 8º. - S: CL; or: - Louanii, apud R. Velpium, 1572. 8º. - S: CL; or: - Lugduni, apud B. Vincentium, 1582. 8º. - S: Adams. - JC 4º-16º 17
K15 Tractatus matrimonialium causarum. Franc., apud haer Ed. C. Egenolph., impensis A. Loniceri, I. Cneipij & P. Steinmeyers, 1577. 8º. - S: VD16; or: - - - 1581. 8º. - S: VD16. - JC 4º-16º 30
KNOX, John
K16 The history of the reformation of the religion within the realm of Scotland. London, T. Vautrollier, 1587. 8º. - The first edition was seized before completion of printing. Two surviving copies consist of pp. 17-560. They have the running title 'The historie of the Church of Scotland', which is the title listed in the sale catalogue. It looks as if Radermacher's copy was another such incomplete one, lacking the title-page and all before p.17, as well as all after p. 560, obtained through his or his bookseller Richard Schilder's friends in England. - S: ESTC. - Ang fol.-12º 21
K17 Rechen vnd visieren. Francf., C. Egen., 1532. 8º. - Consisting of 'Ein new geordnet künstlich Rechenbüchlin' and 'Vjsir Büchlin'. - S: VD16. - Ger 8º-12º 51
KRANTZ, Albertus
K18 Chronica regnorum Aquilonarium, Daniae, Sueciae, Norvagiae. [Ed. H. ap Eppendorff.] [Strasbourg?] 1562. fol. – The sale catalogue specifies Wechel as publisher and the date 1576, but no such edition found, though a 1575 Wechel edition and an edition of 1583 by Wechel's heirs follow. Or do the specifications apply to Hist fol. 13(1) only? - S: VD16; or: Regnorum Aquilonarium Daniae, Sueciae, Norvagiae, Chronica. Accessit Dithmarsi belli historia C. Cilicio autore. Francofurti ad Moenum, apud A. Wechelum, 1575. fol. - C. Cilicius is the pseudonym of H. Rantzovius. - S: VD16; or: - - apud haeredes A. Wecheli, 1583. fol. - S: VD16. - Hist fol 13(2)
K19 Kunstbüchlin, gründtlichen rechten gebrauches aller Kunstbaren Werckleut. Franckfort, C. Ege. Erben in verlegung A. Loniceri, I. Cnipij & P. Steinmeyers, 1574. 8º. - S: STCG. - Ger 8º-12º 7(4)
K20 De meditatione mortis: et variis eos; qui mortem lentam, subitamque vel violentam obeunt; Christianè deque consolandi modis. Coloniae Agrippinae, apud I. Birckmannum, 1573. 8º. - S: VD16. - Th 8º 178