Libri Anglici in Folio, Quarto, Octavo, & Duodecimo
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1 The Bible, London 1576. (B101: The Bible and Holy Scriptures. London, C. Barker, 1576. 3 pt. 4º. - S: STC; or: The Bible, that is, the Holy Scriptures. London, C. Barker, 1576. 3 pt. 8º. - Both entries describe editions of the Geneva Bible. - S: STC.)
2 The Boux of Martis 2 volumes, London 1570. vnto Iohn Daye. (F47: Foxe, John, the Martyrologist. The first (-second) volume of the ecclesiastical history contayining the Actes and monumentes of thynges passed in every kynges tyme in this realme, especially in the Church of England. London, I. Daye, 1570. 2 vol. fol. - Better known as 'The book of martyrs'. S: STC.)
3 Statutes Edoardi sexti, London. (E16: Statutes made in the parliament. Anno primo (- septimo) Edovardi sexti. Londini, in aedibus R. Graftoni, 1548-53. fol. - Radermacher may have had one or more of these volumes. The spelling of the King's name varies on the title-pages. - S: STC.)
4 Statutes Henrici 3. vnto the first yere of the reigne of our most Gratious & Victorius Souverainge Lord King Henry the 8. 1543. 2 volum. (E15: The statutes from Henry the thirde vnto Henry the VIII. London, in officina T. Bertheleti, 1543. 2 vol. fol. - S: STC.)
5 Biblioteca Eliotæ, Londini 1559. (E9: Elyot, Sir Thomas. Bibliotheca Eliotae. Eliotis librarie. The third tyme corrected, and enriched. Londini, in aedibus T. Bertheleti, 1559. fol. - In Latin & English. Originally published in 1538 as 'The dictionary of syr Thomas Eliot'. - S: STC.)
6 Thomas More contra Tindal, London 1532. (T35: Thomas More , Saint. The confutacyon of Tyndals answere. London, W. Rastell, 1532,33. 2 pt. fol. - A reply to Tyndale's 'An answere to Sir Thomas More's dialoge'. - S: STC;BL.)
7 Dictionaire in Englishe, Latin and French, London. (E61: Estienne, Robert. Dictionariolum puerorum tribus linguis Latina, Anglica et Gallica conscriptum. [Eng. tr I. Veron.] Londini, apud R. Wolfium, 1552. 4º. - S: STC.)
8 An Answer of the most reverend Father in God Tomas Archibiscop of Canterburye, vnto a Crafti and Sophistical Carulation devised by Stephen Gardine, London 1551. (C188: Cranmer, Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury. An answer of Thomas archebyshop of Canterburye, vnto a crafty and sophistical cauillation devised by Stephen Gardiner. London, R. Wolfe, 1551. fol. - A reply to Gardiner’s ´An explication and assertion of the true catholique fayth’. - S: STC.)
9 Riders Dictionarie, London 1606. (R28: Rider , John, Bishop of Killaloe. Riders dictionarie corrected and augmented. London, A. Islip, 1606. 4º. - With a Latin-English part by Francis Holyoake. - S: STC.)
10 The Annales of England, by John Stow, London. (S143: Stow, John. The Annales of England vntill 1592. London, R. Newbery [& Eliot's Court Press, 1592]. 4º. - S: STC; or - vntill 1600. London, R. Newbery ; [pr. Eliot's Court Press & F. Kingston, 1600]. 4º. - S: STC; or: - untill 1605. London, J. Newbery & T. Adams, [1605]. 4º. - S: STC; or: - untill 1614. Ed. E. Howes & G. Back. London, T. Dawson; pr. T. Adams, 1615. fol. - S: STC.)
11 A Collection of al the Statutes (from the beginning of Magna Carta vnto the yere of our Lord 1557) which were before that yere Imprinted 1559. Londen. (E13: A colleccion of all the statutes, from the begynning of Magna Carta vnto the yere of our Lorde 1557, which were before that yere imprinted. Comp. . William Rastell. London, in aedibus R. Tottelli, 1559. 4º. - S: STC.)
12 An Apologie for the Oath of Allegiance first set foorth without a name, London 1609. (J3: James I, King of England. An apologie or the Oath of Allegiance first set forth without a name. London, R. Barker, 1609. 4º. - Translated from 'Triplici nodo triplex cuneus'. S: STC.)
13 A true and perfect Relacion of the whole procedings against the late most Barbarous Traitors Garnet a Iesuit, London 1606. (T71: A true and perfect relation of the whole proceedings against the late most barbarous traitors Garnet a Jesuite and his confederats. London, R. Barker, 1606. 4º. - S: STC.)
14 An learned Commentarie vpon the Revelation of St. Iohn by Patrix Forbes, Middelbourg, 1614. Item a defence of the lawfull calling of the Ministers of Reformed Churches against the cavillations of formanists eodem Autore. (F42: Forbes, Patrick, Bishop of Aberdeen. An learned commentarie vpon the Revelation of St. Iohn. Middelburgh, R. Schilders, 1614. 2 pt. 4º. - Pt. 2 is a corrected issue of 'A defence of the lawful calling of ministers of Reformed Churches', originally published separately, but with faulty pagination, which is listed with the 'Learned commentarie' in the sale catalogue. It is not clear whether Radermacher owned only the combined edition or also a copy of the earlier issue of part 2. - S: Simoni.)
15 27 Lectures or Reading vpon part of the Epistle written to the Hebrues, 1576. (D31: Dering, Edward. XXVII. Lectures, or readings, vpon part of the epistle written to the Hebrues. [London], pr. [H. Middleton for] L. Harrison, 1576. 4º; or: - - 1577; or - [London], pr. [H. Middleton for] T. Woodcocke, 1578; or: - London, pr. [T. Dawson for] T. Woodcocke, 1583; or: - London, pr. [T. Orwin for] T. Woodcocke, 1590. - S:STC.)
16 Newe Jewel of health, London 1576. (G72: Gesner, Conradus. The newe Jewell of Health, wherein is contayned the most excellent secretes of phisicke and philosophie. Tr. G. Baker. London, H. Denlan, 1576. 4º. - Translated from 'Euonymus'. - S: STC.)
17 Morall Philosophie, London. (B224: Bidpai. The morall philosophie of Doni. First compiled in the Indian tongue, and now Englished out of Italian by Thomas North. London, H. Denham, 1570. 4º. - Commonly known as 'The fables of Bidpai'. - S: STC; or: - -, S. Stafford, 1601. 4º. - S: STC.)
18 Positions wherin those primitiue circumstances be examined, London 1581. (M143: Mulcaster, Richard. Positions wherin those primitiue circumstances be examined, which are necessarie for the training vp of children, either for skill in their booke, or health in their bodie. London, T. Chare [sic, for Chard]; pr. T. Vautrollier, 1581. 4º. - S: STC.)
19 Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiaticall, London 1604. (E20: Constitutions and canons ecclesiasticall, treated upon by the Bishop of London. London, R. Barker, 1604. 4º. – Translated from 'Constitutiones siue canones ecclesiastici tractati & conclusi in synodo inchoata Londini [1603]'. - S: STC.)
20 The greate abbridgement of all the Statutes of England. (E14: The greate abbrydgement of all ye statutes of Englande. London, W. Myddylton, 1542. 8º. - S: Cowley; or: The great abredgement of all the statutes of Englande. London, Thomas Petyt, 1542. 8º. - S: STC.)
21 Historie of the Churse of Scotland. (K16: Knox, John. The history of the reformation of the religion within the realm of Scotland. London, T. Vautrollier, 1587. 8º. - The first edition was seized before completion of printing. Two surviving copies consist of pp. 17-560. They have the running title 'The historie of the Church of Scotland', which is the title listed in the sale catalogue. It looks as if Radermacher's copy was another such incomplete one, lacking the title-page and all before p.17, as well as all after p. 560, obtained through his or his bookseller Richard Schilder's friends in England. - S: ESTC.)
22 An Abridgement of the Chronicles of England, London 1564. (G99: Grafton, Richard. An abridgement of the Chronicles of England. London, in aedibus R. Tottyll, 1564. 8º. - S: STC.)
23 Actes of Votaries, Londen. (B9: Bale, John, Bishop of Osory. The fyrste part of the actes of English votaries. London, A. Vele; pr. S. Mierdman, 1551. 8º. - S: STC; or: - The first two partes of the actes of the Englysh votaryes. London, J. Bale; pr. S. Mierdman, 1551. 8º. - S: STC; or: - London, J. Tysdale, 1560. 8º. - S: STC.)
24 Common Prayer, Londen. (E19: The Booke of Common Prayer after the vse of the Churche of England. – Too many editions to list. - S: STC.)
25 The new Testament, Geneve 1557. (B195: The Newe Testament of Our Lord Jesus Christ. [Ed. W. Whittingham]. Geneva, C. Badius, 1557. 8º. - S: STC.)
26 Charkes Replie to the Censure, London 1581. (C104: Charke, William. A replie to a censure written against the two answers to a jesuites seditious pamphlet. London, G. Barker, 1581. 8º. - Replying to Robert Parson’s anonymous ‘A brief censure vppon two bookes [by W. Charke and M. Hammer] written in answere to E. Campion’s offer of disputations’, Doway, J. Lyon, or rather, East Ham, Greenstreet House, 1581. - S: STC.)
27 The Image of bot Churches, by Iohn Bale, London. (B10: Bale, John, Bishop of Osory. The image of both churches, after the reuelacion of saynct John the euangelyst. London, I. Daye & W. Seres; pr. S. Mierdman, [c.1550]. 8º. - S: STC; or: - - - J. Wyer, 1550. 3 pt. 4º. - S: STC; or: - - - T. East, [c.1557]. 3 pt. 8º. - S: STC.)
28 A booke of Presidens exactly written in manner of a Register, Londen 1576. (P70: Phayer, Thomas. A book of presidens exactly written in manner of a register. London, in aedibus R. Tottelli, 1576. 8º. - S: STC. Radermacher's copy can be found in Harvard University Library, see Copies.)
29 Little Tontenures in Englishe, London 1574. (L84: Littleton, Sir Thomas. Tenures in Englysshe. London, R. Tottyl, 1574. 8º. - S: STC.)
30 A short Introduction of Grammar, Londen 1576. (L64: Lily, William. [A shorte introduction of grammar. London, Assignes of F. Flowar? 1576?] 4º. - There is no record of a 1576 edition of this work as specified in the sale catalogue, but STC 15620, describing an edition of 1577 after one of 1575, mentions a fragment of an unidentified quarto edition in which the date is cropt: could it have been this? The above tentative imprint is based on earlier and later editions recorded in STC.)
31 The expositions of the termes of the Lawes of Engl. 1575. (E79: The expositions of the termes of the lawes of Englande. London, in aedibus R. Tottell, 1575. 8º. - S: STC;Cowley.)
32 A Breviat Chronicle. (B281: A breuiat chronicle contayninge all the kinges from brute to this daye, and many notable actes vnto the yere M.v.c.lii. - Too many octavo editions to list.)
33 Two Sermons of the Saincts hope 1610. (F41: Forbes, John, Minister. The saints hope, and infallibleness thereof. or two sermons preached before the English companie at Middelb. about the moneth of October 1608. Middelborough, R. Schilders, 1610. 8º. - S: STC; with thanks to Dr D.E. Rhodes.)
34 [1] Cronicles of England by Iohn Stow 1584. [2] 12. Acten van Parlementen de 10. onder Coninginne Elisabet, ende 2. onder Coninck Iacobus. (S144 + E17: Stow, John. The summarye of the Chronicles of England vnto .1584. London, R. Newbery & H. Denham, 1584. 8º. - S: STC. + Twelve unspecified Acts of Parliament, ten from the time of Queen Elizabeth and two from the time King James I. - Apparently a made-up volume, probably folio.)
35 [1] The boock of Fortun in folio 1561. [2] The first part of the Elementaire which entreateth chefelie of the right writting of our English tung set furth by Richard Mulcaster, Lond. 1582. ongebonden. (S122 + M142: Spirito, Lorenzo (Gualtieri). The booke of fortune. [London, W. Powell, 1561. fol.] - Translated from 'Libro della ventura'. The sale catalogue specifies the date as 1561 and the format as folio, but no such edition is recorded. The imprint suggested above is derived from an entry in the 'Stationers' Company's Register' for 15 February 1560 [o.s.] and the date on the eventual printed copy may therefore well have been 1561. A 1618 edition, London, for Edward Wright, is in folio. - S: ESTC. + Mulcaster, Richard. The first part of the Elementaire which entreateth chefelie of the right writting of our English tung. London, T. Vautroullier, 1582. 4º. - Described as unbound, but obviously prepared to fit the place on the shelf. - S: STC.)
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