
The published works of Anna Simoni

Based on "Bibliography of the published works of Anna Simoni to the end of 1990", compiled by Dennis E. Rhodes. Originally published in Across the narrow Seas: Studies in the history and bibliography of Britain and the Low Countries, presented to Anna E.C. Simoni, ed. S. Roach, 1991; and "Bibliography of Anna E. C. Simoni from 1991 to 2006", compiled by Dennis. E. Rhodes. Originally published in Anna’s Book, an informal collection presented to Anna E.C. Harvey-Simoni on the occasion of her ninetieth birthday, 2006. (With kind permission to reproduce; additions to these two bibliographies by Marja Smolenaars.) 


- "Guillaume Haudent and the first translation of Poliziano's Rusticus", The Library, 5th series, vol. 8 (1953), pp. 111-17. 


- Review of: Benjamin Christie Nangle, The Monthly Review. Second series, 1790-1815. Indexes of Contributors and Articles (Oxford, 1955), in The Library, 5th series, vol. 10 (1955), pp. 224-25. 


- Dictionary of Anonymous and Pseudonymous English Literature (Samuel Halkett and John Laing). Volume eight, 1900-1950, by Dennis E. Rhodes and Anna E.C. Simoni (Edinburgh, London, Oliver and Boyd, 1956), pp. viii, 397. 


- Review of: Börsenblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel, Jahrg. 15, 1959, in Book Collector, vol. 8 (1959), pp. 443-44. 


- Dictionary of Anonymous and Pseudonymous English Literature (Samuel Halkett and John Laing). Volume nine by Dennis E. Rhodes and Anna E.C. Simoni (Edinburgh, London, Oliver and Boyd, 1962), pp. viii, 479.  - Review of: I.H. van Eeghen, De Amsterdamse boekhandel 1680-1725. Vol. 1, Jean Louis de Lorme en zijn copieboek (Amsterdam, 1960), in Book Collector, vol. 11 (1962), pp. 363-64.
- Review of: Irvin B. Horst, A Bibliography of Menno Simons, c.1496-1561, Dutch reformer (Nieuwkoop, 1962), in Book Collector, vol. 11 (1962), pp. 502- 505. 


- Review of: J.A. van Dorsten, Thomas Basson, 1555-1613, English Printer at Leiden (Leiden, London, 1962), in The Library, 5th series, vol. 18 (1963), pp. 71-72. 


- Review of: I.H. van Eeghen, De Amsterdamse boekhandel 1680-1725. Vol. 2, Uitgaven van Jean Louis de Lorme en familieleden (Amsterdam, 1963), in Book Collector, vol. 13 (1964), pp. 88, 91. 


- Review of: Jean Peeters-Fontainas, Bibliographie des impressions espagnoles des Pays-Bas Méridionaux, 2 vols. (Nieuwkoop, 1965), in Book Collector, vol. 14 (1965), pp. 576, 579. 


 - Review of: John Landwehr, Dutch emblem books (Utrecht, 1962) and Fable-books printed in the Low Countries (Nieuwkoop, 1963), in The Library, 5th series, vol. 21 (1966), pp. 257-58. 


- Review of: I.H. van Eeghen, De Amsterdamse boekhandel 1680-1725. Vol. 3 (Amsterdam, 1965) and Idem. Vol. 4 (Amsterdam, 1967), in Book Collector, vol. 18 (1969), pp. 109-10.
- Review of: Studia bibliographia in honorem Herman de la Fontaine Verwey (Amsterdam, 1968), in The Library, 5th series, vol. 24 (1969), pp. 252-53. 


- "The Printing of Portraits and Privileges: the Handvesten ende privilegien published by Johannes Tongerloo, The Hague, 1663, and related works", Essays in honour of Victor Scholderer, ed. by D.E. Rhodes (Mainz: Karl Pressler, 1970), pp. 369-401.
- "Where Museum and Library meet: two specialized Museums in The Netherlands", Museums Journal, vol. 69, no. 4 (March 1970), pp. 164-66. 


 - "'Not in Van Doorninck': the authorship of Yerlant verlost en hersteld", Quaerendo, vol. 1 (1971), p. 302.
- "The Shape of Things to Come?", Book Collector, vol. 20 (1971), pp. 197-201.
- "Visit to the Elgin Marbles", British Museum Society Bulletin, no. 7 (June 1971), pp/ 14-15. 


 - "Dutch Clandestine Printing, 1940-1945", The Library, 5th series, vol. 27 (1972), pp. 1-22; 8 plates. 
- Review of: John Morris, Correspondence of John Morris with Johannes de Laet, 1634-1649, ed. by J.A.F. Bekkers (Van Gorcum's litteraire bibliotheek, 17 [Assen, 1970]), in The Library, 5th series, vol. 27 (1972), pp. 151-53.  
- Translation of the words of Bach's Cantata no. 82 'Ich habe genug' (I have all I want) in: Thames Chamber Orchestra concert programme, Friday, 24 November [1972], Queen Elizabeth Hall, London. 


 - "The Gauger gauged, or a Bibliographical Coelacanth", Archives et bibliothèques de Belgique, vol. 44 (1973), no. 3-4, pp. 593-98. 


 - "A Present for a Prince", Ten Studies in Anglo-Dutch Relations, ed. by Jan van Dorsten. [Publications of the Sir Thomas Browne Institute, Leiden. General Series, no. 5] (Leiden: Leiden University Press; London: Oxford University Press, 1974), pp. 51-71. 
- Review of: Catalogus van de historische bibliotheek van het Nederlands Legermuseum in het voormalige Magazijn van Holland thans Armamentarium te Delft. Dl. 1 (Leiden, Delft, 1969, 1971), in The Library, 5th series, vol. 29 (1974), pp. 344-45. 


- Publish and be free: a Catalogue of Clandestine Books printed in The Netherlands 1940-1945 in the British Library (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, in association with British Museum Publications Ltd for the British Library, London, 1975), pp. [6]. 289; plates. 
- "Van Helderen/Heldoren/Hoorn", Quaerendo, vol. 5 (1975), p. 344. 
- "Newton in the Timberyard: the device of Frans Houttuyn, Amsterdam", British Library Journal, vol. 1 (1975), pp. 84-89. 
- Review of: F.F. Blok, Contributions to the history of Isaac Vossius's library (Amsterdam, London, 1974), in The Library, 5th series, vol. 30 (1975), pp. 254-55. 
- Review of: Contributions à l'histoire des bibliothèques et de la lecture aux Pays-Bas avant 1600 (Brussels, 1974), in The Library, 5th series, vol. 30 (1975), p. 347. 
- Clandestiene en illegale drukken uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog: een kleine tentoonstelling, ingericht in de Universiteitsbibliotheek te Utrecht ter gelegenheid van een lezing door Anna Simoni, Londen, 13 oktober t/m 15 november 1975, s.l.s.n. 1975. 


- "The Mockers mocked: the Brussels play of Saint Ignatius, 1610, and its Dutch counter attack", Archives et bibliothèques de Belgique, vol. 47 (1976), no. 3-4, pp. 644-49. 
- "New light on a Grotius attribution", Quaerendo, vol. 6 (1976), p. 374. 
- "A Ghost no more: a contribution to the bibliography of Johannes David, S.J.", De Gulden Passer, vol. 54 (1976), pp. 64-71; 3 plates. 
- "Hendrik Nicolaas Werkman and Werkmaniana in the British Library", British Library Journal, vol. 2 (1976), pp. 70-88. 
- Review of: J.G.C.A. Briels, Zuidnederlandse boekdrukkers en boekverkopers in de Republiek der Verenigde Nederlanden omstreeks 1570-1630 (Nieuwkoop, 1974), in The Library, 5th series, vol. 31 (1976), pp. 262-64. 


- "A Catalogue of Seventeenth-century Books from the Low Countries in the British Library. [A note]", British Library Journal, vol. 3 (1977), p. 189. 
- "Haarlem's Modest Muse: anagrams, their solution, and the truth about a Haarlem worthy", Quaerendo, vol. 7 (1977), pp. 153-72. 
- "Hiel's Dutch Crossing: slow but sure", Dutch Crossing, no. 2 (July 1977), pp. 22-24. 
- "Catalogus van zeventiende-eeuwse Nederlandse boeken in de British Library", Dokumentaal, vol. 6 (1977), pp. 54-55. 
- Review of: H. de la Fontaine Verwey, Uit de Wereld van het Boek. II: Drukkers. liefhebbers en piraten in de zeventiende eeuw (Amsterdam, 1976), in Times Literary Supplement, 9 December 1977, p. 1455. 
- Review of: Marja Keyser, Dirk Philips 1504-1568: a catalogue of his printed works in the University Library of Amsterdam (Nieuwkoop, 1975), in The Library, 5th series, vol. 32 (1977), pp. 384-86. 


- "Bilingual Poet William Fennor, alias Wilhelmus Vener, Enghelsman", Neophilologus, vol. 62 (1978), pp. 151-60. 
- "An early Makeblyde edition from Louvain at the British Library", Ons Geestelijk Erf, dl. 52 (1978), pp. 33-38. 


- "Lulofs to the rescue: a Contribution to the History of Vondel Studies", Dutch Crossing, no. 8 (July 1979), pp. 55-65. 
- "Bathasar Bekker and the Beckington Witch", Quaerendo, vol. 9 (1979), pp. 135-42. 
- "Van Helderen/Heldoren/Hoorn: the case decided", Quaerendo, vol. 9 (1979), p. 261. 
- Review of: I.H. van Eeghen, De Amsterdamse boekhandel 1680-1725. Vol. 5. De boekhandel van de Republiek 1572-1795 (Amsterdam, 1978), in Book Collector, vol. 28 (1979), pp. 293, 294 and 297. 


- "Bearwood, Tree. Flatfish & Co: some punning Dutch devices", Hellinga Festschrift (Amsterdam: Nico Israel, 1980), pp. 447-66. 
- "Balthasar Bekker: some recent additions", British Library Journal, vol. 6 (1980), pp. 108-22. 
- "Jus Belli sabaudici: evidence found, evidence wanted", Quaerendo, vol. 10 (1980), pp. 250-53. 
- Review of: J.A. Gruys and C. de Wolf, A Short-title Catalogue of Books printed at Hoorn before 1701 (Nieuwkoop, 1979) and De computer als hulpmiddel bij bibliografische ontsluiting: catalogus van Hoornse drukken 1591-1718 in de Universiteitsbibliotheek van Amsterdam (Amsterdam, 1979), in The Library, 6th series, vol. 2 (1980), pp. 378-81. 


- "A Clusius variant", Quaerendo, vol. 11 (1981), pp. 67-69. 
- "Paulus Sismus, forgotten physician", Quaerendo, vol. 11 (1981), pp. 325-27. 
- Review of: H. de la Fontaine Verwey, Uit de Wereld van het Boek. III: In en om de 'De Vergulde Sonnewyser' (Amsterdam, 1979), in Times Literary Supplement, 13 February 1981, p. 179. 
- [Reaction] "On J. R. Morgan's article 'De Nederlandse Trekschuit' (Dutch Crossing 10)". in Dutch Crossing 13 (March 1981), pp. 75–78. 


- "A Postscript to the Bilingual Poet", Neophilologus, vol. 66 (1982), pp. 638-39. 
- Review of: J.A. Gruys and C. de Wolf, Typographi & bibliopolae Neerlandidi usque ad annum MDCC thesaurus (Nieuwkoop, 1980), in Book Collector, vol. 31 (1982), pp. 383-85. 


- "Rhetorical conundrum: Der Reden-rijcken Springh-Ader (Haarlem, 1614) re-examined", Quaerendo, vol. 13 (1983), pp. 38-49. 
- "The Books at Dyrham Park", Pt. I, Book Collector, vol. 32 (1983), pp. 171-88; pt. 2, ibid, pp. 283-95. 
- "A Pageant + Emblesmes = Dutch X", Dokumentaal, 12 (1983), pp. 74-79. 


- "The Book of Franciscan Saints by Cornelius Thielmans, 1610: a question of title", British Library Journal, vol. 10 (1984), pp. 158-72. 
- "John Wodroephe's Spared Houres", Studies in seventeenth-century English literature, history and bibliography: Festschrift for Professor T.A. Birell (Amsterdam, 1984), pp. 211-32. 
- Review of: Otto S. Lankhorst, Reinier Leers (1654-1714), uitgever en boekverkoper te Rotterdam (Amsterdam & Maarssen, 1983), in The Library, 6th series, vol. 6 (1984), pp. 189-91. 


- "Laurels for the Bishop: a school celebration in words and images, Antwerp, 1711", Jaarboek 1985 - Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerpen, pp. 289-308. 
- "Poems, Pictures and the Press: observations on some Abraham Verhoeven newsletters (1620-1621)", De Gulden Passer, jaarg. 61-63 (1983-85) = Liber Amicorum Leon Voet, ed. F. de Nave, pp. 353-74. 
- "Terra Incognita: the Beudeker Collection in the Map Library of the British Library", British Library Journal, vol. 11 (1985), pp. 143-75. 
- "Henrick van Haestens, from Leiden to Louvain via 'Cologne'", Quaerendo, vol. 15 (1985), pp. 187-94. 
- Translation of: P.F.J. Obbema's review of Manuscrits datés conservés en Belgique. Part IV (1461-1480). Ed. by F. Mazai & M. Wittek (Bruzelles/Grand, 1982), Quaerendo, vol. 15 (1985), pp. 65-66. 
- Translation of: F.A. Janssen's review of Stanley Morison, Selected essays on the history of letter-forms in manuscripts and print. Ed. by D. McKitterick (Cambridge, 1981), Quaerendo, vol. 15 (1985), pp. 69-70. 
- Translation of: F.A. Janssen, "Varia bibliographica: European printing museums. 21 Odense; 22 Rome", Quaerendo, vol. 15 (1985), pp. 150-152. 
- Translation of: E. Braches' review of R. Breugelmans, 107 maal Sub Signo Libelli. Een bibliografie van de pers, zomer 1974-oktober 1983 (Utrecht, 1983) and A. Ribbens, Nieuw gezet. Het drukwerk van J. Meijer (Amsterdam, 1984), Quaerendo, vol. 15 (1985), pp. 231-233. 


- Review of: Marie Mauquoy-Hendrickx, Les estampes des Wierix conservées au Cabinet des Estampes de la Bibliothèque Royale Albert Ier; catalogue raisonné enrichi de notes prises dans diverses collections (Brussels, 1978-83), in The Library, 6th series, vol. 8 (1986), pp. 83-85. 
- Translation of: H.A.M. van der Heyden, "Emanuel van Meteren's History as source for the cartography of the Netherlands", Quaerendo, vol. 16 (1986), pp. 3-29. 
- Translation of: P.J.A. Franssen, "Jan van Doesborch (?-1536), printer of English texts", Quaerendo, vol. 16 (1986), pp. 259-280. 


- Review of: Erasmiana Lovaniensia. Catalogus van de Erasmus-tentoonstelling in de Centrale Bibliotheek te Leuven november-december 1986 (Louvain, 1686) and Memorabilia Erasmiana: Die 'Adagia'. Führer durch die Ausstellung im Globenraum der Bibliotheca Augusta (Wolfenbüttel, 1986), in The Library, 6th series, vol. 9 (1987), pp. 393-96. 
- Translation [with others] of: Georges Dogaer, Flemish miniature painting in the 15th and 16th centuries (Amsterdam: B.M. Israel, 1987). 192 pp.; illus. 
- Translation of: R. de Smet, "The Realm of Venus: Hadriani Barlandi [H. Beverland] De Prostibulis Veterum MS Leiden BPL 1994", Quaerendo, vol. 17 (1987), pp. 45-59. 
- Translation of: J. Storm van Leeuwen's review of "American Bookbinding through two centuries (ca. 1660-1860) in three recently published books", Quaerendo, vol. 17 (1987), pp. 60-71. 
- Translation of: C. Coppens, "Steadfast I hasten: the Louvain printer Henrick van Ha(e)stens", Quaerendo, vol. 17 (1987), pp. 185-204. 
- Translation of: P.F.J. Obbema, "Varia Bibliographica: Towards a uniform inventory of surviving medieval manuscripts", Quaerendo, vol. 17 (1987), pp. 284-288. 
- Translation of: J. Storm van Leeuwen's review of D. Gid, Catalogue des reliures Francaises estampeés à froid XVe-XVIe siècle de la Bibliothèque Mazarine (Paris, 1984), Quaerendo, vol. 17 (1987), pp. 289-295. 


- Translation of the introduction to: The 'Catalogus universalis': a facsimile edition of the Dutch booktrade catalogues compiled and published by Broer Jansz, Amsterdam 1640-1652. Catalogi redivivi, introd. and indexes by H.W. de Kooker (Utrecht, 1986). 
- Translation of: J. Storm van Leeuwen's review of D. Haldane, Islamic bookbindings in the Victoria and Albert Museum (London, 1983), Quaerendo, vol. 18 (1988), pp. 134-140. 
- Translation of: J. Storm van Leeuwen's review of H.M. Nixon, Bindings (Woodbridge, 1984), Quaerendo, vol. 18 (1988), pp. 140-144. 
- Translation of: J. Storm van Leeuwen, "Notes and news: A well deserved recognition for Janos Szirmai", Quaerendo, vol. 18 (1988), pp. 157-160. 
- Translation of: M.N. Fuit-Overduin, "Some unknown fragments of Die ieeste van iulius cesar", Quaerendo, vol. 18 (1988), pp. 200-210. 
- Translation of: E. Braches, "'Nieuwe Kunst' in New York - A Quaere", Quaerendo, vol. 18 (1988), pp. 218-221. 
- Translation of: B. van Selm, "Schama and the Library of Gulielmus Goesius (1687)", Quaerendo, vol. 18 (1988), pp. 222-224. 
- Translation of: J.A.A.M. Biemans' review of J. Vennebusch, Die theologischen Handschriften des Stadtarchivs Köln. Teil 4 (Köln/Wien, 1986), Quaerendo, vol. 18 (1988), pp. 225-227. 
- Translation of: J. Storm van Leeuwen's review of M. Tidcombe, The bookbindings of T.J. Cobden-Sanderson, a study of his work 1884-1893, based on his Time Book (British Library Add. Ms. 49061), with a biographical introduction (London, 1984), Quaerendo, vol. 18 (1988), pp. 229-232. 
- Translation of: G. Janssens' review of J.M. de Bujanda, Index de l'Université de Louvain 1546, 1550, 1558 (Genève, 1986), Quaerendo, vol. 18 (1988), pp. 233-235.
- Translation of: F.A. Janssen's review of B. van Selm, Een menighte treffelijcke boecken (Utrecht, 1987), Quaerendo, vol. 18 (1988), pp. 235-237. 
- Translation of: J.A.A.M. Biemans, "The seventeenth-century Antwerp book collector Peeter Oris: new discoveries and new questions", Quaerendo, vol. 18 (1988), pp. 243-277. 
- Translation of: A. Gerits, "A Short contribution towards better bibliographical recording of important eighteenth-century publications", Quaerendo, vol. 18 (1988), pp. 286-297. 


- Translation of: J.W.J. Burgers, "The Library of Johan van Hogelande", Quaerendo, vol. 19 (1989), pp. 48-82. 
- Translation of: W.K. Gnirrep & J.A. Szirmai, "Spines reinforced with metal rods in sixteenth-century limp parchment bindings", Quaerendo, vol. 19 (1989), pp. 116-140. 
- Translation of: J. Storm van Leeuwen's review of F.-A. Schmidt-Künsemüller, Bibliographie zur Geschichte der Einbandkunst von den Anfängen bis 1985 (Wiesbaden, 1987), Quaerendo, vol. 19 (1989), pp. 141-147. 


- Catalogue of Books from the Low Countries 1601-1621 in the British Library (London: The British Library, 1990), pp. xviii, 842; illus. 
- Printing as resistance. [Published as the chapter 4 of the Ambachtelijk Groeiboek, also as a separate issue of the same edition, in 150 copies.] (Leiden, De Ammoniet, 1990], [20]p. 
- "The hidden Trade-Mark of Laurence Kellam, Printer at Douai", Ons Geestelijk Erf, dl. 64 (1990), pp. 130-43. 
- Review of: F.W. van Heertum, A critical edition of Joseph Swetnam's 'The Araignment of Lewd, Idle, Froward and Unconstant Women (1615)' (Nijmegen, 1989), in English Studies, vol. 71, no. 3 (June 1990), pp. 283-85. 
- Review of: Bibliographie de l'humanisme des anciens Pays-Bas ... Supplément 1970-1985, ed. by M. de Schepper and C.L. Heesakkers (Brussels, 1988), in The Library, 6th series, vol. 12 (1990), pp. 246-48. 
- Translation of: Johan de Zoete and Martien Versteeg, Koppermaandagprenten: verkenningen van een Nederlandse grafische traditie = Copper Monday prints: observations on a Dutch printing tradition, ed. C.F.J. Schriks et al. (Den Haag, 1991). 
- Translation of: E.G.L. Schrijver, "'Be-ôiyyôt Amsterdam' Eighteenth-century Hebrew manuscript production in Central Europe: the case of Jacob ben Judah Leib Shamas", Quaerendo, vol. 20 (1990), pp. 24-62. 
- Translation of: S.n., "Notes and news: Rijksmuseum Meermanno-Westreenianum/Museum van het Boek", Quaerendo, vol. 20 (1990), pp. 76-81. 
- Translation of: F.A. Janssen, "Ploos van Amstel's description of type founding", Quaerendo, vol. 20 (1990), pp. 96-109. 
- Translation of: J.C. Streng. "The Leiden engraver Frans van Bleyswyck (1671-1746)", Quaerendo, vol. 20 (1990), pp. 111-136. 
- Translation of: E. Braches, "Agri Montis Pers-Oosterhesselen List of publications of the first electronic typemachine private press in the Netherlands", Quaerendo, vol. 20 (1990), pp. 147-158. 
- Translation of: G. van Thienen's review of Theatrum Orbis Librorum: Liber amicorum presented to Nico Israel, ed. T. Croiset van Uchelen et al. (Utrecht, 1989), Quaerendo, vol. 20 (1990), pp. 239-243. 
- Translation of: J.A. Gruys, "Stocklists on spare pages: a neglected phenomenon", Quaerendo, vol. 20 (1990), pp. 310-326. 


- Translation of: J.C. Martens, "The dating of the Fasciculus Temporum manuscript in Arnhem Public Library",Quaerendo, vol. 21 (1991), pp. 3-10. 
- Translation of: F.A. Janssen, "Author and printer in the history of typographical design", Quaerendo, vol. 21 (1991), pp. 11-37. 
- Translation of: P. Valkema Blouw's review of Cronica. Ordo sacerdotis. Acta HN. Three texts on the Family of Love, intr. A. Hamilton (Leiden, 1988), Quaerendo, vol. 21 (1991), pp. 55-56. 
- Translation of: E. Braches, "Gutenberg's 'scriptorium'", Quaerendo, vol. 21 (1991), pp. 83-98. 
- Translation of: J.A.A.M. Biemans' review of Middeleeuwse handschriftenkunde in de Nederlanden 1988. Verslag van Groningse Codicologendagen 28-29 april 1988 (Grave, 1989), Quaerendo, vol. 21 (1991), pp. 144-147. 
- Translation of: T. Croiset van Uchelen, "Herman de la Fontaine Verwey, 1903-89", Quaerendo, vol. 21 (1991), pp. 242-266. 
- Translation of: K. Gnirrep's review of P.G. Hoftijzer, Engellse boekverkopers bij de Beurs; de geschiedenis van de Amsterdamse boekhandels Bruyning en Swart, 1637-1724 (Amsterdam & Maarssen, 1987), Quaerendo, vol. 21 (1991), pp. 313-320. 


- "The twofold laughter of Gelasius", Quaerendo, vol. 22 (1992), pp. 3-19.
- "Leiden booksellers - Leiden politics: Jan Jansz Orlers and Joost van Colster in 1618", Quaerendo, vol. 22 (1992), pp. 89-96.
- Translation of: B. van Selm, "Johannes van Ravesteyn, 'libraire européen' or local trader?" in Le magasin de l'univers: the Dutch Republic as the centre of the European book trade: papers presented at the International Colloquium held at Wassenaar, 5-7 July 1990, ed. C. Berkvens-Stevelinck [et al.] (Leiden, 1992), pp. 251-263. 
- Translation of: W. Waterschoot, "Jan van der Noot's 'Het Bosken' re-examined", Quaerendo, vol. 22 (1992), pp. 28-45. 
- Translation of: E. Braches, "Notes and news: Typographic Netherlands 1989", Quaerendo, vol. 22 (1992), pp. 67-74. 
- Translation of: H. van Goinga, "In memoriam Bert van Selm, 1945-91", Quaerendo, vol. 22 (1992), pp. 82-88. 
- Translation of: M. van Delft, "The 'Vereeniging Joan Blaeu' 26 May 1916-11 March 1938", Quaerendo, vol. 22 (1992), pp. 97-128. 
- Translation of: G. van Thienen's review of J. van de Ven, Handschriften en Handschriftfragmenten in het bezit van de Theologische Faculteit Tilburg (Tilburg, 1990), Quaerendo, vol. 22 (1992), pp. 129-135. 
- Translation of: J. Storm van Leeuwen's review of A. Hobson & P. Culot, Italian and French 16th-century bookbindings, La reliure en Italie et en France au XVIe siècle (Brussels, 1990), Quaerendo, vol. 22 (1992), pp. 135-137. 
- Translation of: H.W. de Kooker's review of Catalogus der Bibliotheek van de Vereeniging ter Bevordering van de belangen des boekhandels te Amsterdam. Dl 9. Catalogus van de verzameling betreffende G.T.N. en Hugo Suringar, Uitgevers te Leeuwarden 1822-1900. Dl 1 (Nieuwkoop, 1990), Quaerendo, vol. 22 (1992), pp. 140-142. 
- Translation of: H.G.M. Prick's review of 'Beste Sander, do it now!' Briefwiseling J. Greshoff-A.A.M. Stols Deel 1 1922-1941, ed. S. Chen and S.A.J. van Faasen ('s-Gravenhage, 1990), Quaerendo, vol. 22 (1992), pp. 142-147. 
- Translation of: R. Breugelmans, "Maire's editions of Grotius's De veritate religionis christianae from 1627 to 1640", Quaerendo, vol. 22 (1992), pp. 191-196. 
- Translation of: J. Martens, "The Fasciculus Temporum of 1474. On form and content of the incunable", Quaerendo, vol. 22 (1992), pp. 197-204. 
- Translation of: P. Dijstelberge's review of J.L.M. Gieles & A.P.J. Plak, Bibliografie van het Nederlands narratief fictioneel proza 1670-1700 (Nieuwkoop, 1988), Quaerendo, vol. 22 (1992), pp. 209-212. 
- Translation of: A.C. Schuytvlot's review of The Crone Library (Nieuwkoop, 1989), Quaerendo, vol. 22 (1992), pp. 212-214. 
- Translation of: J.C. Streng, "The plates in the Leiden University Catalogus librorum of 1716", Quaerendo, vol. 22 (1992), pp. 273-284. 
- Translation of: R. Breugelmans' review of Rudolphus Agricola Phrisius, 1444-1485 (Leiden, 1988), Quaerendo, vol. 22 (1992), pp. 301-302. 
- Translation of: L. Herberghs, Lof van de Langzaamheid/Salute to Slowness, Dutch Crossing 46 (Spring 1992), pp. 80-85. 


- "1598: an exchange of Dutch pamphlets and their repercussions in England", From revolt to riches: culture and history of the Low Countries 1500 - 1700, ed. by Th. Hermans and R. Salverda, Crossways, 2 (London, 1993), pp. 129-162. 
- "Soldiers' tales: observations on Italian military books published at Antwerp in the early 17th century", The Italian Book: studies presented to Dennis E. Rhodes on his 70th birthday, ed, by Denis V. Reidy (London: The British Library, 1993), pp. 255-290. 
- Translation of and introduction to: "Heinsius, Daniël, 'Op het belegh van Oostende/On the Siege of Ostend'", Dutch Crossing 49 (Summer 1993), pp. 127–129. 
- Translation of: J. Storm van Leeuwen's review of A. Hobson, Humanists and bookbinders: the origin and diffusion of the humanistic bookbinding 1459-1559 (Cambridge, 1989), Quaerendo, vol. 23 (1993), pp. 44-51. 
- Translation of: J.M.M. Hermans' review of J.P. Gumbert, The Dutch and their books in the manuscript age (London, 1990), Quaerendo, vol. 23 (1993), pp. 51-56. 
- Translation of: M. de Schepper's review of Marnixi Epistolae. De briefwisseling van Marnix van Sint-Aldegonde, par 1 (1558-1576), ed. A. Gerlo & R. de Smet (Brussel, 1990), Quaerendo, vol. 23 (1993), pp. 56-58. 
- Translation of: C. Chavannes-Mazel's review of A.M. Legaré et al., Le livre des Échecs amoureux (Paris, 1991), Quaerendo, vol. 23 (1993), pp. 121-122. 
- Translation of: J. Storm van Leeuwen's review of M. Packer, Bookbinders of Victorian London ([London], 1991), Quaerendo, vol. 23 (1993), pp. 124-125. 
- Translation of: R. Breugelmans' review of Dictionnaire des journaux, 1600-1789. Ed. J. Sgard (Paris, 1991), Quaerendo, vol. 23 (1993), pp. 137-138. 
- Translation of: C. van den Heuvel's review of M.D. Pollak, Military architecture and the representation of the early modern European city (Chicago, 1991), Quaerendo, vol. 23 (1993), pp. 138-140. 
- Translation of: R. Breugelmans' review of Research guide to libraries and archives in the Low Countries. Comp. by M.L. Brogan (New York, 1991), Quaerendo, vol. 23 (1993), pp. 143-144. 
- Translation of: M. Lommen, "Notes and news", Quaerendo, vol. 23 (1993), pp. 145-150. 
- Translation of: H. Brinkman, "The composition of a fifteenth-century aristocratic library in Breda: the books of John IV of Nassau and Mary van Loon", Quaerendo, vol. 23 (1993), pp. 163-183. 
- Translation of: J. Storm van Leeuwen's review of M. Tidcombe, The Doves Bindery (London, 1991), Quaerendo, vol. 23 (1993), pp. 210-213. 
- Translation of: J. Storm van Leeuwen's review of H.M. Nixon & M.M. Foot, The history of decorated bookbinding in England (Oxford, 1992), Quaerendo, vol. 23 (1993), pp. 220-222. 
- Translation of: J. Storm van Leeuwen, "Goud en velijn: Middelburgse boekbanden uit de zestiende tot negentiende eeuw", Quaerendo, vol. 23 (1993), pp. 302-304. 


- "The portrait of Jechiel Michel Ben Nathan of Lublin", Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana: treasures of Jewish booklore, ed. by Adri K. Offenberg [and others] (Amsterdam University Press, 1994), pp. 64-65. 
- Translation of: Codex Eyckensis: an insular gospel book from the Abbey of Aldeneik, [ed.] with an introd. by Cristian Coppens, Albert Derolez, Hubert Heymans (Antwerp, 1994). 
- Translation of: J. Martens, "Arnold ther Hoernen and his Cologne competitors: of sheets, corrections and variants", Quaerendo, vol. 24 (1994), pp. 30-38. 
- Translation of: J.W. Klein, "Once more the manuscripts of Stein monastery and the copyists of the Erasmiana manuscripts", Quaerendo, vol. 24 (1994), pp. 39-46. 
- Translation of: C. Coppens' review of W.K. Gnirrep, J.P. Gumbert & J.A. Szirmai, Kneep en binding (Den Haag, 1992), Quaerendo, vol. 24 (1994), pp. 47-49. 
- Translation of: J.M.M. Hermans' review of S. Fogelmark, Flemish and related panel-stamped bindings: evidences and principles (New York, 1990), Quaerendo, vol. 24 (1994), pp. 49-52. 
- Translation of: W. Heijting's review of A. Pettegree, Emden and the Dutch Revolt. Exile and the development of Reformed Protestantism (Oxford, 1992), Quaerendo, vol. 24 (1994), pp. 54-56. 
- Translation of: J. Gruys' review of Eleven catalogues by Reinier Leers (1692-1709). A reproduction ed. and intr. by H.H.M. van Lieshout & O.S. Lankhorst (Utrecht, 1992), Quaerendo, vol. 24 (1994), pp. 61-64. 
- Translation of: J. Werner's review of Stock catalogues of maps and atlases by Covens & Mortier. Facsimile edition with intr. by P. van der Krogt (Utrecht, 1992), Quaerendo, vol. 24 (1994), pp. 64-65. 
- Translation of: F. van der Linden's review of D. van Lente & O. de Wit, Geschiedenis van de grafische techniek in Nederland in de 19e eeuw (Zutphen, 1993), Quaerendo, vol. 24 (1994), pp. 65-70. 
- Translation of: J. Jansen, "the Aulularia edition which served as basis for the Warenar", Quaerendo, vol. 24 (1994), pp. 83-113. 
- Translation of: J. Werner's review of Bibliografie van de kartografie van de Nederlanden. Comp. by P. van der Krogt et al. (Utrecht, 1993), Quaerendo, vol. 24 (1994), pp. 223-224. 
- Translation of: F.A. Janssen's review of Geschichte der Druckverfahren. Teil IV: H.-J. Imiela, Stein- und Offsetdruck, C.W. Gerhardt, Ergäzungen und Gesamtregister (Stuttgart, 1993), Quaerendo, vol. 24 (1994), pp. 224-225. 
- Translation of: J. Storm van Leeuwen's review of Quatre siècles de reliure en Belgique, 1500-1900 Comp. by C. Sorgeloos et al. (Bruxelles, 1993), Quaerendo, vol. 24 (1994), pp. 226-229. 
- Translation of: F.A. Janssen's review of The Enschedé type specimen of 1768 and 1773. Facsimile edition with intr. and notes by J.A. Lane (Haarlem/Amsterdam, 1993), Quaerendo, vol. 24 (1994), pp. 307-309. 
- Translation of: W.F.J. Mörzer Bruyns' review of P. van der Krogt, Globi Neerlandici. The production of globes in the Low Countries (Utrech, 1993), Quaerendo, vol. 24 (1994), pp. 309-311. 


- "A German-Dutch tapestry: some early seventeenth-century Dutch publications with German connections: Henrick van Haestens, Leiden and Jan Jansz, Arnhem", The German Book 1450 - 1750: studies presented to David Paisey in his retirement, ed. by John L. Flood and William A. Kelly (London: The British Library, 1995), pp. 161-183. 
- Review of: Keith L. Sprunger, Trumpets from the tower: English puritan printing in the Netherlands, 1600-1640 (Leiden, 1994), in Times Literary Supplement, 1 September 1995, p. 24. 
- Review of: C. D. van Strien, British Travellers in Holland during the Stuart Period, in Dutch Crossing 19/2 (Winter 1995), pp. 146–150. 
- Translation of: M. Stapert-Eggen & E. Braches, "The Regulierenpers 1984-94: a survey", Quaerendo, vol. 25 (1995), pp. 36-45. 
- Translation of: C. Reedijk's review of H. de la Fontaine Verwey, De verdwenen antiquaar, en andere herinneringen van een bibliothecaris (1993), Quaerendo, vol. 25 (1995), pp. 74-77. 
- Translation of: J. Storm van Leeuwen's review of M.M. Foot, Studies in the history of bookbinding (Aldershot, 1993), Quaerendo, vol. 25 (1995), pp. 77-79. 
- Translation of: M. Keblusek's review of  The seventeenth-century Orange-Nassau library, ed. and ann. By A.D. Renting & J.T.C. Renting-Kuijpers. With notes by A.S. Korteweg (Utrecht, 1993), Quaerendo, vol. 25 (1995), pp. 137-140. 
- Translation of: J. Storm van Leeuwen's review of E. van der Vekene, Relieures d'art du XXe siècle: collection de la Bibliothèque Nationale de Luxembourg. Intr. by J. Christophory (Luxembourg, 1994), Quaerendo, vol. 25 (1995), pp. 140-141. 
- Translation of: P. Delsaerdt, "The library of Hendrik Gabriël van Gameren, Bishop of Antwerp (1700-75)", Quaerendo, vol. 25 (1995), pp. 258-278. 
- Translation of: P.F.J. Obbema, "Scribes at work", Quaerendo, vol. 25 (1995), pp. 279-288. 
- Translation of: P. Tuijn, "On the Traité de Fauconnerie (1845-53)", Quaerendo, vol. 25 (1995), pp. 289-308. 


- "Walter Morgan Wolff: an Elizabethan soldier and his maps. In memoriam Helen Wallis", Quaerendo, vol. 26 (1996), pp. 58-76. 
- "The unidentical twins", Van pen tot laser: 31 opstellen over boek en schrift aangeboden aan Ernst Braches (Amsterdam, 1996), pp. 261-266. 
- Review of: C.D. van Strien, British travellers in Holland during the Stuart period: Edward Browne and John Locke as tourists in the United Netherlands (Leiden, 1993), in Dutch Crossing, vol. 20/1 (1996), pp. 145-150. 
- Translation of: Karel Porteman, Emblematic exhibitions (affixiones) at the Brussels Jesuit College (1630-1685): a study of the commemorative manuscripts (Royal Library, Brussels) with contrib. by Elly Cockx-Indestege, Dirk Sacré, Marcus de Schepper (Brussels, Turnhout, 1996). 
- Translation of: N. van der Blom, "Commotion along the IJssel and by the Waal a.d. 1564 and the riddle of a pseudonym in the Family of Love", Quaerendo, vol. 26 (1996), pp. 52-57. 
- Translation of: W.J. op 't Hof, "A note written in 1604 by the Middelburg publisher Richard Schilders", Quaerendo, vol. 26 (1996), pp. 198-206. 
- Translation of: W.A.W. van Welie-Vink, "Pig snouts as sign of evil in manuscripts from the Low Countries", Quaerendo, vol. 26 (1996), pp. 213-228. 
- Translation of: P. van der Krogt's review of Peter H. Meurer, Fontes Cartographici Orteliani (Weinheim, 1991) and Robert W. Kerrow, Mapmakers of the sixteenth century and their maps (Chicago, 1993), Quaerendo, vol. 26 (1996), pp. 234-237. 


- Review of: Jan Bos and J.A. Gruys (eds.), Cats Catalogus: de werken van Jacob Cats in de Short-Title Catalogue Netherlands (Den Haag, 1996), in The Library, 6th series, vol. 19 (1997), pp. 269-272. 


- Review of: Karel Bostoen,  (Hilversum, 1998), in Dutch Crossing 22/1 (1998), pp. 164-167.  - Review of: Joseph Taylor, A relation of a voyage to the army in several letters from a gentleman to his friend in the year 1707, ed. by C.D. van Strien (Leiden, 1997), in Dutch Crossing 22/1 (1998), pp. 170-172. 
- Translation of: Jan Storm van Leeuwen, "An unknown book of William of Orange discovered", Quaerendo, vol. 28 (1998), pp. 296-300. 


- Review of: Peter M.H. Cuijpers, Teksten als koopwaar: vroege drukkers verkennen de markt. The development of the main presentation characteristic of early secular books in the Dutch language, printed in the Low Countries before 1550 (Nieuwkoop, 1998), in Book Collector, vol. 48 (1999), pp. 619-620. 
- Review of: Jaap Harskamp, Dissertatio medica inauguralis, in Dutch Crossing, vol. 23/1 (1999), pp. 167-171. 
- Translation of: E. Cockx-Indestege, "The Gnotosolitos of Arnold Geilhoven published by the Brothers of the Common Life in Brussels in 1476. Observations on the surviving copies as evidence of distribution", Incunabula. Studies in fifteenth-century printed books presented to Lotte Hellinga, ed. M. Davies (London, 1999). pp. 27-77. 
- Translation of: Sections a-e and catalogue nos. 57-65 of chapter VII: C. Coppens, G. Tournay and J. Rogiers, 'An uneven contest?' in Leuven in books, Books in Leuven: The oldest university of the Low Countries and its library, ed. C. Coppens (Leuven: Universitaire Pers, 1999). 


- "Secret, loud and clear", 'For the love of the binding': studies in bookbinding history presented to Mirjam M. Foot, ed. by David Pearson (London: The British Library; Delaware: Oak Knoll Press, 2000), pp. 337-350. 
- Translation of: Jan Storm van Leeuwen, "It glitters and is more than gold: fore-edge paintings in the Dutch Royal Library", 'For the love of the binding': studies in bookbinding history presented to Mirjam Foot, ed. by David Pearson (London: The British Library; Delaware: Oak Knoll Press, 2000), pp. 221-239. 
- Translation of: E. Cockx-Indestege's review of Incunabula printed in the Low Countries. A census, eds. G. van Thienen and J. Goldfinch (Nieuwkoop, 1999), The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, vol 95/1 (March 2001), pp. 135-137. 


- "Dutch printing in London. I. A survey. II. The strange case of Double-Dutch double vision: bilingual pamphlets of 1615", Foreign-language printing in London 1500-1900, ed. by Barry Taylor (Boston Spa & London: The British Library, 2002), pp. 51-69. 
- "Sans frontieres: Italo-Dutch books 1565-1629", La Bibliofilia, anno CIV, n. 1 (2002), pp. 57-82. 
- "The librarian's cri de coeur: rules for readers (1711)", Quaerendo, vol. 32 (2002), pp. 199-203. 
- Introduction to: 'Rebel, mijn hart ...' an exhibition of Dutch clandestine printing 1940 - 1945 [catalogue of an exhibition at Cambridge University Library, September - December 2002 organised and catalogued by by Paul Woudhuysen]. 
- Review of: P.G. Hoftijzer and O.S. Lankhorst, Drukkers, boekverkopers and lezers in de Republiek: een historiografische en bibliografische handleiding (Den Haag, 2000), in The Library, 7th series, vol. 3 (2002), pp. 100-102. 
- Review of: K. Bostoen et al. (eds.), Het album J. Rotarii. Tekstuitgave van het werk van Johan Radermacher de Oude (1538- 1617) in het Album J. Rotarii, Handschrift 2465 van de Centrale Bibliotheek van de Rijksuniversiteit te Gent (Hilversum, 1999), in Dutch Crossing, 26/2 (2002), pp. 303-304. 
- Review of: J. A. Gruys & Jan Bos (eds.), Adresboek. Nederlandse drukkers and boekverkopers tot 1700. Comp. STCN (Den Haag, 1999), in Dutch Crossing, 26/2 (2002), pp. 304-306. 
- Review of: Paul Valkema Blouw, Typographia Batava 1541 - 1600. In ordinem digessit A.C. Schuytvlot. Repertorium van boeken gedrukt in Nederland tussen 1541 en 1600 (Nieuwkoop, 1998), in Dutch Crossing, 26/2 (2002), pp.307-309. 
- Translation of: E. Cockx-Indestege (and G. Colin), Fernaud Baudin, book designer. Bibliography of his writings. Inventory of his typographical oeuvre (Amsterdam, De Buitenkant, 2002). 


- The Ostend Story: early tales of the great siege and the mediating role of Henrick van Haestens, Bibliotheca bibliographica Neerlandica, vol. 38 ('t Goy-Houten: Hes & De Graaf, 2003), pp. 232. 
- "Johan Radermacher's German books", 'Vir ingenio mirandus': studies presented to John L. Flood, edited by William J. Jones, William A. Kelly and Frank Shaw, Goppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik, 710/1-2 (Goppingen: Kummerle Verlag, 2003), vol. II, pp. 693-704. 
- Review of: Yolanda Rodriguez Perez, De Tachtigjarige Oorlog in Spaanse ogen: de Nederlanden in Spaanse historische en literaire teksten (circa 1548-1673) (Nijmegen, 2003), in Mededelingen van de Stichting Jacob Campo Weyerman, 26/3 (2003), pp. 205-206. 
- Review of: F.F. Blok, Isaac Vossius en zijn Kring. Zijn Leven tot zijn Afscheid van Koningen Christina van Zweden, 1618–1655, in Dutch Crossing 27/1 (Summer 2003), p. 146. 
- Review of: C.S.M. Rademaker, Leven en Werk van Gerardus Joannes Vossius (1577–1649), in Dutch Crossing 27/1 (Summer 2003), p. 146. 
- Review of: F.F. Blok, Isaac Vossius and his Circle, in Dutch Crossing 27/1 (Summer 2003), pp. 146–147. 
- Review of: P.G. Hoftijzer, Pieter van der Aa (1659–1733), in Dutch Crossing 27/1 (Summer 2003), pp. 148–149 

- "The Antwerp editions of Flaminio della Croce, or Italian swords pressed into Belgian books", E codicibus impressisque: opstellen over het boek in de Lage Landen voor Elly Cockx-Indestege (Leuven: Peeters, 2004), dl. 2, pp. 511-538. 
- "Morgan , Walter (b. c.1550, d. in or after 1604)", Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 [] 
- Review of: Ronald Breugelmans, Fac et spera: Joannes Maire, publisher, printer and bookseller in Leiden, 1603-1657 ('t Goy-Houten: Hes & De Graaf, 2003), in The Library, 7th series, vol. 5 (2004), pp. 327-328. 


- Translation of: Chris Coppens, "A canon’s library: Jan de Hondt, Courtrai (1571)", in: C. Coppens (ed.), Printers and Readers in the Sixteenth Century, Brussel, Koninklijke Academie voor Kunsten en Wetenschappen & Turnhout, Brepols, 2005 [Bibliologia 21], pp. 61-320.
- Translation of: Chris Coppens, "The library of a city official: Dominicus Wagemakers, Antwerp (1576)", in: C. Coppens (ed.), Printers and Readers in the Sixteenth Century, Brussel, Koninklijke Academie voor Kunsten en Wetenschappen & Turnhout, Brepols, 2005 [Bibliologia 21], pp. 321-500. 


- Review of: Richard G. Maber (ed.), Publishing in the Republic of Letters: the Menage-Graevius-Wetstein correspondence, 1679-1692 (Amsterdam, 2005), in The Library, 7th series, vol. 11 (2006), pp. 100-102. 
- Translation of: Jan Storm van Leeuwen, Zuid Holland = Dutch Decorated Bookbinding in the Eighteenth Century. Volume IIA ('t Goy-Houten, Hes & De Graaf, 2006), XII, 536 pp.