Identifications B
BACCI, Andreas
B1 - De thermis libri septem. Venetijs, apud V. Valgrisium, 1571. fol. - The sale catalogue specifies 1574, but no such edition found. - S: STCI. - Med fol 31
BADIUS, Johannes
B2 - Gründliche vnd bestendige Ableynung der vermeynten Antwort H. Caspari Ulenbergii, wider zwo Schrifften Johannis Badii eyngewendet: deren eine Warnung die ander Gegenbericht intitulirt. Herborn, durch C. Raben, 1592. 4º. - S: VD16. - Ger 4º 13(2)
BAÏF, Lazare de
B3 - Annotationum in L. Vestis, ff. de auro & argento leg. seu de re uestiaria, liber. Basileae, apud I. Bebelium, 1526. 4º. - S: VD16; or: Annotationes in L. II de captiuis et postliminio reuersis, in quibus tractatur de re nauali. Parisiis, ex officina R. Stephani, 1536. 2 pt. 4º. - With 'De re vestiaria', 'De vasculis' and 'A. Thylesii libellus de coloribus'. - S: STCF; or: Annotationes in Legem II de captiuis & postliminio reuersis, in quibus tractatur de re nauali. Annotationes in tractatum De auro & argento legato, quibus vestimentorum et vasculorum genera explicantur. Item Antonii Thylesii De coloribus libellus. [Ed. C. Stephanus.] Basileae, apud H, Frobenium & N. Episcopium, 1537. 4º. - S: VD16; or- - - 1541. 4º. - S: VD16; or: Annotationes in L. II de captiuis. Lutetiae, ex officina R. Stephani, 1549. 4º.- S: STCF. - Hist 4º 105
BAIUS, Michael
B4 - Ad quaestiones Philippi Marnixij de ecclesia Christi, et sacramento altaris responsio. Coloniae, apud L. Alectorium, & haeredes I. Soteris, 1579. 8º. - S: VD16. - Inc [28]
BALBUS de Ianua, Joannes
B5 - Vocabularium ac summa grammatices. Ed. Petrus Egidius, Iodocus Badius Ascensius. Parrhisiis, in edibus Ascensianis, 1506. fol. - S: Renouard, Badius, with thanks to Chris Michaelides. - Hist fol 92
BALCK, Ysbrand
B6 - Scrupulus dissentionum civilium. 1588. 8º. - Not found. - Inc [49]
BALDUIN, François
B7 - Responsio ad Caluinum et Beza. Coloniae, apud W. Richwinum, 1564. 8º. - S: STCG. - Th 8º 160
BALE, John, Bishop of Osory
B8 - Acta Romanorum Pontificum, à dispersione discipulorum Christi, usque ad tempora Pauli quarti, qui nunc in Ecclesia tyrannizat. Basileae, ex officina Oporini, 1558. 8º. - S: STCG;or: - Francofurti ad Moenum, ex officina P. Brubacchij, 1567. 8º. - S: STC. - Hist 8º 165
B9 - The fyrste part of the actes of English votaries. London, A. Vele; pr. S. Mierdman, 1551. 8º. - S: STC; or: - The first two partes of the actes of the Englysh votaryes. London, J. Bale; pr. S. Mierdman, 1551. 8º. - S: STC; or: - London, J. Tysdale, 1560. 8º. - S: STC. - Ang fol 23
B10 - The image of both churches, after the reuelacion of saynct John the euangelyst. London, I. Daye & W. Seres; pr. S. Mierdman, [c.1550]. 8º. - S: STC; or: - - - J. Wyer, 1550. 3 pt. 4º. - S: STC; or: - - - T. East, [c.1557]. 3 pt. 8º. - S: STC. - Ang fol 27
B11 - Scriptorum illustrium maioris Britanniae catalogus. Basileae, apud I. Oporinum, 1557,59. 2 pt. fol. - S: STCG. - Hist fol 20
B12 - La quarta parte de le nouelle. Lione, A. Marsilij; pr. P. Roussino, 1573. 8º. - S: STCI. - Hisp 4º-12º 47
BARA, Jérome de
B13 - Le blason des armoiries, auquel est monstrée la manière de laquelle les anciens & modernes ont uséen icelles. Lyon, B. Vincent; [pr. J. de Laon, Geneva], 1581. 4º. - Anonymous. - S: IndAur. - Gall 4º 17
BARCLAY, William
B14 - De potestate papae; an & quatenus in reges & principes seculares ius & imperium habeat. Mussiponti, F. du Bois & I. Garnich, 1609. 8º. - S: Goldsmith; or: - -, apud I. Garnich, 1610. 8º. - S: Goldsmith; or: -Hanoviae, 1617. 8º. - S: Paisey. - Hist 8º 162(1); Inc 44
BARLANDUS, Hadrianus Cornelius
B15 - Ducum Brabantiae chronica. Antuerpiae, apud I. Moretum, 1600. 4º. - The sale catalogue specifies octavo. - S: STCD. - Hist 8º 235
B16 - Rerum gestarum a Brabantiae ducibus historia. Antuerpiae, H. Tilianus & I. Hoochstratanus, 1526. 8º. - S: STCD; or: - Antverpiae, I. Gravius, 1551. 8º. - S: BB. - Hist 8º 238
B17 - Le Cabinet du Roy de France, dans lequel il y a trois perles d'inestimable valeur par le moyen desquelles SaMajesté s'en va le premier monarque du monde. 1581. 8º. - Anonymous. The dedicatory epistle headed N.D.C., i.e. Nicolas Barnard du Crest. - S: STCF; or: - - - 1582. 8º. - S: BN. - Gall 8º-16º 32
B18 - Dialogue auquel sont traitees plusieurs choses auenues aux Lutheriens & Huguenots de la France. Basle, 1573. 8º. - Anonymous. The imprint is probably false; possibly printed in Geneva. A Latin edition has the imprint 'Oragniae, A. de Monte', which is false for Heidelberg, A. Schirat. Another work by the same author has the imprint Edimburg, false for Strasbourg, B. Jobin. - S: STCF;VD16;BN;Chaix. - Gall 8º 125
B19 - Le miroir des François. [Geneva, officine de Lamairie], 1582. 8º. - Published under the pseudonym of P. Nicolas de Montand. - S: STCF;Chaix. - Gall 8º 33(1)
BARNAUD, Nicolas (attrib.)
B20 - Le secret des thresors de France : pour ouurir les moye[n]s legitimes & necessaires de payer les dettes du roy. 1581. - Gall 8º 105(2)
BARNES, Robert
B21 - Vitae Romanorum pontificum, quos Papas uocamus. VVitebergae, apud I. Clug, 1536. 8º. - S: VD16; or: - Basileae, [1555]. 8º. - S: STCG; or: - VVitebergae, apud I. Clug, [1568]. 8º. - S: VD16. - Hist 8º 163
BARO, Peter
B22 - In Jonam prophetam praelectiones 39. Ed. O. Lakus. Londini, apud I. Dayum, 1579, 78. 2 pt. fol. - With 'Doctissimi cuiusdam viri Tractatus contra missae sacrificium'. The sale catalogue format is taken from the signatures. - S: STC. - Th 4º 14
BAROZZI, Francesco
B23 - Admirandum illud geometricum problema tredecim modis demonstratum. Venetiis, apud G. Perchacinum, sumptibus I. B. Fantini. 4º. S: BL. - Hist 4º 11(3)
B24 - Cosmographia in quatuor libros distributa. Praecesserunt etiam quaedam communia mathematica. Venetiis, ex officina G. Perchacini, 1585. 8º. - S: EDIT; or: - - G. Perchacinus, 1598. 8º. - S: EDIT. - Hist 8º 154
BARTHOLOMAEUS de' Rinonichi da Pisa
B25 - L'Alcoran des Cordeliers, tant en latin qu'en françois, recueilli par le docteur M. Luther du liure des Conformitez [by Bartholomaeus]. Geneve, C. Badius, 1556. 8º. - Anonymous. - S: Chaix;BL. - Gall 8º 80
BARTHOLOMAEUS, Henricus, Cardinalis Hostiensis
B26 - Summa Hostiensis super titulis decretalium. - Too many folio editions to list. - JC fol 3
BASIL, Saint, the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea
B27 - Opera omnia. Ed. and in part Tr. W. Musculus. Basileae, per I. Oporinum & haeredes I. Heruagii, 1565. - 3 tom. fol. - S: STCG. - Th fol 19
B28 - Astronomique discours. Lion, I. de Tournes, 1557. fol. - S: STCF. - Gall fol 10
B29 - Apophthegmata Christiana. Ofte Ghedenck-weerdighe, leersaeme ende aerdighe spreucken. Deventer, J.E. Cloppenburch, [1605]. 4º. - S: Simoni. - Belg 4º 14
B30 - De corporis humani partibus externis tractatus. Basileae, ex officina Episcopiana, 1588. 8º. - S: STCG. - Inc [10]
BAVERIIS, Baverius de
B31 - Consiliorum de re medica siue morborum curationibus liber. Ed. M. Gualtherus, H. Ryff. Argentinae, in officina B. Pistoris, 1543. 4º. - S: VD16. - Med 4º 13
BEBELIUS, Henricus
B32 - Facetiarum libri tres. - Too many octavo editions to list. - Hist 8º 233
BECANUS, Martinus
B33 - Serenissimi Iacobi Angliae Regis Apologiae refutatio. Moguntiae, typis I. Albini, 1609. 8º. - S: Paisey; or: - - 1610. 8º. - S: Paisey. - Th 8º 118(2)
BECIUS, Joannes
B34 - Corte antwoorde op een seker schrift Adolphi Venatoris teghen de dienaren des H. Euangelij binnen Dordrecht. 1613. 4º. - By Becius and others. S: Knuttel. - Belg 4º 26
BECKER, Johann
B35 - Ad theologastrorum Colonhiensium censuram Henrici Artopoei responsio, pro defensione Ioannis Monhemii praeceptoris sui conscripta. Gratianopoli, P. Cephalius Duromontanus, 1561. 8º. - Pseudonymous and with a fictitious imprint. - The Index Aurelianus attributes this to Johann Kühn, but suggests Grenoble as actual place of printing, which is unlikely. If the placename here reflects the author's gratitude to his teacher it is much more likely to stand for Düsseldorf where Monheim's Catechismus was published, or to Cologne, where other works by him were published. VD16 has a reference to BECKER, Heinrich, but there is no such entry. Rép.bibl.16 puts this under 'Grenoble, Fausses addresses typographiques'. The entry in the catalogue of the Biblioth7egrave;que Nationale de France says 'sans doute en Allemagne (Rhenanie?)'. - S: Rép. bibl.16;IndAur;VD16. - Th 8º 216
BÉDÉ de la Gormandièe, Jean
B36 - Le droict des roys contre le cardinal Bellarmine & autres. Franckenthal, R. Pape, 1611. 8º. - S: Goldsmith. - Gall 8º 86
B37 - La messe en Françoys exposée par Jean Bedé. Geneve, Société Caldoriene, 1610. 8º. - S: Goldsmith. - Gall inc [1]
BELLARMINO, Robert, Saint, Cardinal
B38 - Apologia pro Responsione sua ad librum Iacobi Magnae Britanniae regis, cuius titulus est, Triplici nodo triplex cuneus. Accessit eadem ipsa Responsio. Coloniae Agrippinae, S. Hemmerden, sumptibus I. Kinckij, 1610. 8º. - S: Paisey. - Th 8º 118(1)
BELLERO, Giovanni
B39 - Bonnes responces a tous propos, italiens et françois. Rouen, C. Le Villain, 1610. 16º. - Anonymous. - S: Barbier. - Gall 8º 127
BEMBO, Pietro, Cardinal
B40 - Quaecunque vsquam prodierunt, opera. Basileae, M. Isengrin, 1556. 3 vol. 8º. - S: STCG; or: Opera. Ed. C.A.Curio. Basileae, per T. Guarinum, 1567. 3 vol. 8º. - S: STCG; or: - Argentorati, sumpt. L. Zetzneri, 1609. 3 vol. 8º. - S: Paisey. - The sale catalogue specifies two volumes only, Radermacher's set would therefore have either been bound in two volumes or been imperfect. - Hist 8º 79
B41 - Gli Asolani. - Too many octavo and duodecimo editions to list. - Hisp 4º-12º 92(1)
B42 - Della historia vinitiana libri XII. Venetia, G. Scotto, 1552. 4º. - Translated from 'Historiae venetae libri XII'. - S: STCI. - Hisp 4º-12º 4
B43 - Delle lettere primo (-quarto) volume. Vinegia, G. Scotto, 1552. 8º. - S: STCI. - Hisp 4º-12º 25
B44 - Regula. - Too many octavo editions to list. - Th 8º 227
B45 - Habes, Lector studiose, Alexandri Benedicti singulis corporum morbis remedia, causas, signa, XXXI libris complexa. Venetiis, in officina L.A. Iuntae, 1533. fol. - S: IndAur; or: De re medica. Ed. Marcus Hopperus, Basileae, H. Petri, 1549. fol. - S: STCG. - Med fol. 19(3)
B46 - Omnium à vertice ad calcem morborum signa, causae, indicationes & remediorum compositiones. Basileae, per H. Petrum, 1539. 4º. - S: VD16. - Med 4º 9
B47 - De gnomorum vmbrarumque solarium vsu liber. Augustae Taurinorum, apud haeredes N. Beuilaquae, 1574. fol. - S: STCI. - Hist fol 132(2)
B48 - Locorum praecipuorum Sanctae Scripturae, quibus abutuntur haeretici, conquisitio & Catholica expositio. [Paris], N. Chesneau, 1566. 8º. - S: STCF; or: - Parisiis, N. Chesneau, 1575. 8º. - S: STCF. - Th 8º 223
BENZONI, Giralmo
B49 - Novae novi orbis historiae, id est, rerum ab Hispanis in India occidentali hactenus gestarum, et acerbo illorum in eas gentes dominatu, libri tres. Genevae, E. Vignon haer., 1600. 8º. - S: IDS Basel (ms). - Hist 8º 11
BERG, Adam
B50 - New Müntz Buech Darinnen allerley Sorten fürgestellt werden. Vnd wirdt auch ein Dialogus [by Martin Schrot], zwischen dem Gelt vnd der Armut mit angehängt, auch ein Tractat darinnen die jenigen Müntzen so im Alten Testament gang vnd geb gewest. München, A. Berg, 1597. 3 pt. fol. - S: VD16. - Ger fol. 21(2)
B51 - Bericht vnd Rechenschafft Der reinen Lehr : So nun durch Gottes gnade, vber das Sechste Jar, auff de[m] Hause Vorthlage in der Hochlöblichen vnd vralten Graffschafft Teklebvrg belegen, getrieben ist. Bremen, B. Peterß, 1590. 4º. - S: VD16 (ms). - Ger 4º 20
BERNARD, Saint, Abbot of Clairvaux
B52 - Opera omnia. Ed. A. Marcellinus. Basileae, per haeredes I. Heruagij, 1566. fol. - S: VD16. - Th fol 18
BERNARDUS de Lutzenburgo
B53 - Catalogus haereticorum. [Cologne, E. Cervicornus], 1522. 4º. - S: STCG; or: - Parisijs, apud I. Paruum, 1524. 4º. - S: STCF. - Th 4º 83
BEROALDUS, Matthaeus
B54 - Chronicum. [Geneva], apud A. Chuppinum, 1575. fol. - S: Adams. - Hist fol 14(2)
BEROSUS Babylonicus
B55 - Possibly (part of): Fragmenta Vetvstissimorvm autoru[m], summo studio ac diligentia nunc recognita. Myrsilii Lesbii De Origine Italiae Et Tyrrhenorum Lib. I. M. Porcij Catonis Originum Lib. I. Archilochi de Temporibus Lib. I. Berosi Babylonij Antiquitatum Lib. V. Manethonis sacerdotis Aegyptiorum de Regibus Aegyptiorum Lib. I. Metasthenis Persae Annalium Persicoru[m] Lib. I. Xenophontis de Aequiuocis Lib. I. Ed.G. Nanni. Basileae, Beb[el], 1530. 4º. - S: BL. - There is some doubt about the authenticity of Nanni's claim that the works he published were indeed by Berosus and Manetho. - Hist 4º 41(1)
BERTRAM, Bonaventure Corneille
B56 - De politia iudaica, tam ciuili quam ecclesiastica. Geneuae, apud E. Vignon, 1574. 8º. - S : Chaix; or : - - - 1580. 8º. - S: Chaix. - Th 8º 191
BESSON, Jacques
B57 - Le cosmolabe. Paris, P.G. de Rouille, 1567. 4º. - S: STCF. - Gall 4º 21
B58 - Theatrum instrumentorum et machinarum. Cum Francisci Beroaldi figurarum declaratione demonstratiua. Ed. I. Paschalis. Lugduni, apud B. Vincent, 1578. fol. - S: STCFS. - Belg fol 4(2)
B59 - Bestendige Antwort der Pfältsischen Theologen, auff der Wirttembergischen Theologen Erklärung von der Maiesteyt des menschen Christi, wider der Pfältzischen Theologen Gegenbericht, von dem Maulbrunnischen Gesprech, im Jar 1565. aussgangen. Heydelberg, durch J. Mayer, 1566. 4º. - S: Zangemeister. - Ger 4º 30
BÈZE, Théodore de
B60 - Ad Francisci Balduini, apostatae, convicia, Theodori Bezae responsio, & Ioannis Calvini brevis epistola. [Geneva, J. Crespin], 1563. 8º. - The sale catalogue specifies a duodecimo or sextodecimo edition, but no such edition found. Other quarto or octavo editions do not mention Calvin. [cf C11] - S: Gilmont. - Th 12º-16º 26
B61 - Apologia pro iustificatione per vnius Christi viua fide apprehensi Iustitiam gratis imputatam.[Geneva], I. Le Preux, 1592. 8º. - Ziegenbein mentions Geneva editions of 1584 and 1591 without describing them; Gardy doubts their existence. S: Gardy. - Th 8º 119(1)
B62 - Confessio Christianae fidei et eiusdem collatio cum papisticis haeresibus. - Translated from 'Confession de la foy chrestienne' and generally known as 'Confessio Genevensis'. - Too many octavo editions known to list. - Th 8º 115
B63 - De Corporis Christi Omnipræsentia Sive Vbiquitate, Theologorum quorundam Germanorum sententia in nouo ipsorum Doctrinæ Christianæ Corpore conprehensa. [Geneva, E. Vignon], 1578. 8º. - S: VD16. - Th 8º 45
B64 - De haereticis a ciuili magistratu puniendis libellus. [Geneva], oliua R. Stephani, 1554. 8º. - No quarto edition as specified by the sale catalogue found. Format derived from gatherings? - S: Adams; Chaix; IndAur. - Th 4º 72
B65 - Du droit des magistrats sur leurs subiets. [Heidelberg, J. Mareschal], 1574. 8º. - S: Chaix; or: - [Geneva, J. Stoer], 1574. 8º. - S: Chaix. - Gall 8º 90
B66 - Deleted
B67 - Ecclesiastes. Solomonis concio ad populum habita, de vita sic instituenda, vt ad veram aeternamque felicitatem perueniatur. Genevae, I. Le Preux, 1588. 4º. - S: Gardy. - Th 4º 15(2)
B68 - Epistola Benedicti Passauantij responsiua ad commissionem sibi datam à Petro Lyseto. - A spoof by De Bèze, perhaps with the assistance of Pierre Viret, to ridicule Passavant and through him Lyset who had sent him to Geneva to explore the religious and political situation. - Too many octavo editions to list. - Inc [16]
B69 - Epistolarum theologicarum liber vnus. Genevae, E. Vignon, 1573. 8º. - S: Gardy; or: - - - 1575.8º. - S: Gardy; or: - Cum indice copioso. Hanoviae, apud C. Antonium, 1597. 8º. - S: Gardy. - Th 8º 163;169
B70 - Histoire ecclésiastique des églises reformées au royaume de France. Anuers, I. Remy, 1580. 3 vol. 8º. - Anonymous. Sometimes considered doubtful, but generally thought to be by de Bèze and N. de Gallars. The Antwerp imprint is false. The sale catalogue mentions 2 volumes only; either therefore Radermacher's copy was bound in two volumes or his set was incomplete. - S: Gardy. - Gall 8º 11
B71 - Icones, id est verae imagines virorum doctrina et pietate illustrium, quorum ministerio partim bonarum literarum studia sunt restituta, partim vera Religio in variis orbis Christiani regionibus, nostra patrúmque memoria fuit instaurata. Geneuae, apud I. Laonium, 1580. 4º. - S: Gardy. - Hist 4º 67(2)
B72 - In Canticum Canticorum Solomonis homiliae.[Geneva], J. Le Preux, 1587. 8º. - Translated from 'Sermons sur les trois premiers chapitres du Cantique des Cantiques, de Salomon'. - S: Gardy. - Th 8º 122
B73 - Jobus partim commentariis, partim paraphrasi illustratus. Genevae, J. Le Preux, 1589. 4º. - S: Gardy. - Th 4º 15(1)
B74 - Lex Dei moralis, ceremonialis, et politica, ex libris Mosis excerpta, & in certas classes distributa. [Geneva], apud P. Santandreanum, 1577. fol. - S: Gardy. - Th fol 52
B75 - Poemata [or] Poemata iuuenilia [or] Poemata varia. - Too many duodecimo and sextodecimo editions to list. - Hist 12º-16º 19
B76 - Quaestionum et responsionum Christianarum libellus: in quo praecipua Christianae Religionis capita proponuntur. (Pars altera, quae est de sacramentis.) - Too many octavo editions to list. - Th 8º 194(2); Inc [56]
B77 - Responsio ad defensiones & reprehensiones Sebastiani Castalionis, quibus suam Noui testamenti interpretationem aduersus Bezam defendere conatus est. [Geneva], H. Stephanus, 1563. 8º. - S: Gardy. - Th 8º 172
B78 - Sermons sur l'histoire de la resurrection de nostre Seigneur. Geneve, J. Le Preux, 1593. 8º. - S: Gardy. - Gall 8º 40
B79 - Sommaire recueil des signes sacrez, sacrifices & sacremens instituez de Dieu, depuis la creation de monde. 1562. 8º. - S: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München (ms). - Gall 8º 17
B80 - Theodori Bezae volumen (volumen alterum-tertium) tractationum theologicarum. Genevae, apud I. Crispinum, 1570-82. 3 vol. fol. - Vol. 2,3. printed by E. Vignon. Another issue: Genevae, Anchora I. Crispini. The sale catalogue specifies two volumes only, therefore Radermacher's set was either bound in two volumes or was incomplete. - S: Gardy. - Th fol 57
B81 - Tractatio de polygamia, et divortiis. Genevae, apud I. Crispinum, 1568. 8º. - S: Gardy; or: - - - 1571. 8º. S: Gardy; or: - - apud E. Vignon, 1573. 8º. - S: Gardy; or: - [Geneva], apud E. Vignon, 1587. 8º. - S: Gardy; or: - Genevae, apud Haeredes E. Vignon, 1591. 8º. - S: Gardy; or: - - apud I. Vignon, 1610. 8º. - Frequently found, as here, bound with 'Tractatio de repudiis' and probably issued jointly with it. - S: Gardy. - Th 8º 198(2)
B82 - Tractatio de repudiis & divortiis. Genevae, apud I Crispinum, 1559. 8º. - S: Gardy; or: - - apud haeredes E. Vignon, 1591. 8º. - S: Gardy; or: - - apud I. Vignon, 1610. 8º. - S: Gardy. - Th 8º 198(1)
B83 - Tractatus pius et moderatus de vera excommunicatione, & Christiano Presbyterio, iampridem pacis conciliande causa, Cl.V.Th. Erasti centum manuscriptis thesibus oppositus. Genevae, apud I. Le Preux, 1590. 4º. - S: Gardy. - Th 4º 15(3); Med 4º 1
B84 - Tractatus & Quaestiones. - No such title found. Probably a made-up title for what was a collection of minor octavo publications bound together for convenience. - Th 8º 197
B85 - Varia. - Too vague to identify. - Th 8º 32(1);74(2)
BIBLE. Polyglott
B86 - Biblia, Vetus testamentum multiplici lingua nunc primo impressum (Nouum testamentum grece & latine nouiter impressum). [Alcalà de Henares], in Academia Complutensi, industria Guilielmi de Brocario, 1514-17. 6 vol. fol. - S: STCS. - Th fol 4
B87 - Biblia sacra. Hebraice, Chaldaice, Graece, & Latine. Ed. B. Arias Montanus. Antuerpiae, C. Plantinus, 1568-73. 8 vol. fol. - S: STCD. - Th fol 2
BIBLE. Latin
B88 - Christophorus Froschouerus pio lectori s.d. En damus tibi Commentaria Bibliorum Chuonradi Pellicani (Index Bibliorum). Tiguri, apud C. Froschouerum, 1532-39. 8 vol. fol. - With the text. - The sale catalogue describes the copy at Th fol 109 as consisting of 6 volumes only, therefore it was either bound in this form or was an incomplete set. The copy at Th fol 124 consists of the 'Index Bibliorum' only. - S: STCG. - Th fol 109; Th fol 124
B89 - Biblia sacra cum glossis, interlineari & ordinaria, Nicolai Lyrani postilla & moralitatibus, Burgensis additionibus & Thoringi replicis. Lugduni, [G. Trechsel for A. Vincent], 1545. 6 vol. fol. - Although described in the sale catalogue as Opera Lirae the item probably refers to this Bible which corresponds to the six volumes also stipulated. There are no collected works of Nicolaus Lyranus which might have been intended. S: CL. - Th fol 134
B90 - Biblia. Quid in hac editione praestitum sit, vide in ea quam operi praeposuimus, ad lectorem epistola. Lutetiae, Ex off. R. Stephani, 1545. 8º. - S: D&M; Adams. - Th 8º 1
B91 - Biblia. R. Stephanus lectori. en tibi Bibliorum Vulgata editio. [Paris], Oliua R. Stephani, 1555. 8º. - S: D&M; Adams. - Th 8º 2
B92 - Biblia. His accesserunt schemata Tabernaculi Mosaici, & Templi Salomonis, quae praeeunte Francisco Vatablo Hebraicarum literarum Regio professore doctissimo, summa arte & fide expressa sunt. Lutetiæ, ex officina Roberti Stephani typographi regii, 1546 - S: Adams. - Th fol 5
B93 - Biblia sacrosancta. Tr. Leo Juda [and others]. Ed. Conradus Pellicanus. Tiguri, C. Frosch., 1550. 3 pt. 4º. - S: Vischer. - Th 4º 1
B94 - Biblia. Tr. & com. S. Châteillon. Basileae, per I. Parcum, sumptibus I. Oporini, 1551. 3 pt. fol. - S: STCG; or: - - ex officina I. Oporini, 1556. 2 pt. fol. - S: STCG; or: - - per P. Pernam, 1573. 2 pt. fol. - S: STCG. - Th fol 7
B95 - Biblia Vtriusque Testamenti. Ed. Robertus Stephanus. [Geneva], oliua R. Stephani, 1556,57. 2 vol. fol. - The New Testament translated and annotated by T. Bèze; together with the Vulgate translation of the whole Bible. The sale catalogue mentions the date 1557 only which occurs in the imprint of vol.2 as 'excudebat Rob. Stephanus, 1557'. - S: Chaix. - Th fol 6
B96 - Biblia Veteris ac Noui Testamenti. Tr. S. Pagninus & F. Vatablus [a.o.]. Basileae, T.Guarinus, 1564. fol.- S: STCG. - Th fol 8
B97 - Quinque libri Moysis [and the other books of the Bible]. Com. Lucas Osiander. Tubingae, G. Gruppenbachius, 1573-85. 9 vol. 4º. - Various volumes were published in second editions at various dates until 1606. The sale catalogue specifies four volumes. Either Radermacher's set was bound in four volumes or was incomplete. - S: STCG. - Th 4º 12
B98 - Biblia sacra. Antuerpiae, ex officina C. Plantini, 1583. 8º. - S: PP. - Th 8º 16
B99 - Testamenti veteris Biblia sacra. Tr. I. Tremellius & F. Iunius. Libri Apocryphi. Tr. F. Iunius. Adiuniximus novi Testamenti libros. Tr. Tremellius. Ed. F. Iunius. Londini, G. N[orton], 1593,92. 6 pt. fol. - S: STC; or: - - G.B[ishop], R.N[ewbery], & R.B[arker], 1593. 6 pt. fol. - S: STC. - Th fol 111
BIBLE. Dutch
B100 - Biblia, dat is de gantsche Heylighe Schrift. Delft, C. Jansz [& P. Verhaghen]; [pr. J. Canin, Dordrecht], 1581. 2 vol. 4º. - S: TB. - Belg 4º 1
BIBLE. English
B101 - The Bible and Holy Scriptures. London, C. Barker, 1576. 3 pt. 4º. - S: STC; or: The Bible, that is, the Holy Scriptures. London, C. Barker, 1576. 3 pt. 8º. - Both entries describe editions of the Geneva Bible. - S: STC. - Ang fol-12º 1
BIBLE. French
B102 - La Bible qui est toute la Saincte Ecriture. [Geneva], I. Stoer, 1580. fol. - S: Chaix. - Gall fol 2
B103 - La Bible. Geneve, [J. des Planches], 1588. fol. - S: Chaix. - Gall fol 1
BIBLE. German
B104 - Bibel Teütsch. Zürich, C. Froschouer, 1534. 2 pt. 4º. - S: STCG. - Ger 4º 2
B105 - Bibel Teütsch. Zürich, C. Froschouer, 1538. 2 pt. 4º. - S: VD16. - Ger 4º 1
B106 - Die gantze Bibel verteütschet. Zürich, C. Froschouer, 1545. 2 pt. fol. - The sale catalogue specifies 1548, but no such Zürich edition found. The date supplied must be erroneous. - S: Vischer. - Ger fol 1
B107 - Biblia, Tr. M. Luther. Ed. G. Rorarius. Wittenberg, H. Lufft, 1551. 2 pt. fol. - S: VD16. - Ger fol2
B108 - Biblia Teutsch. Tr. M. Luther. Franckfurt, durch D. Zöpffeln & I. Raschen, 1562. 2 pt. 1562. fol. - S: STCG; or: - - W. Han, G. Rab & S. Feyerabend, 1562. 3 pt. fol. - S: VD16; - Ger fol 3
BIBLE. Italian
B109 - La Biblia. Tr. Antonio Brucioli. Venetia, F. Brucioli & i frategli, 1541. fol. - S: STCI. - Hisp fol 1
B110 - La Bibbia. Tr. G. Diodati. [Geneva, J. des Tournes], 1607. 4º. - No edition has been found to match the format specified in the sale catalogue which could well be erroneous. - S: Bruni & Evans. - Hisp fol 4
BIBLE. Spanish
B111 - La Biblia. Tr. Cassiodoro da Reyna. [Basel, S. Apiarius], 1569. 4º. - The format given in the sale catalogue is obviously erroneous. - S: STCS. - Hisp fol 5
B112 - La Biblia. Tr. Cassiodoro da Reyna. Ed. Cypriano de Valera. Amsterdam, L. Iacobi, 1602. fol. - 1 bound, 3 unbound copies - S: Simoni. - Hisp fol 2;6
BIBLE. Selections. Latin
B113 - Propheticae, et apostolicae, id est totius Diuinae canonicae Scripturae thesaurus, in locos communes digestus. Ed. Augustin Marlorat. Londini, T. Vautrollerius, 1574. fol. - S: STC. - Th fol 70
BIBLE. Old Testament. Polyglott
B114 - En tibi lector Hebraica Biblia Latina Sebastiani Munsteri Tralatione euulgata. Basileae, M. Isingrinius & H. Petri, 1546. 2 tom. fol. - In Hebrew & Latin. - S: STCG. - Th fol 35
BIBLE. Old Testament. Polyglott
B115 - [The Old Testament. Each volume with a title for one or more books in either Hebrew or Latin, but no single general title in either language.] [Parisiis, R. Stephanus, 1543-46]. 7 vol. 16º. - In Hebrew & Latin. - S: Adams;Schwarzfuchs, with thanks to Dr A.K. Offenberg. - Th 12º-16º 1
BIBLE. Old Testament. Hebrew
B116 - [Hamisha humshê torah, etc. Antwerp, C. Plantin for master Bomberg, [5]326=1566]. 4º. - S: PP, with thanks to Dr A.K. Offenberg; or: [- - C. Plantin, [5]342=1580]. 4º. - The date in the colophon corresponds to 1582. S: PP, with thanks to Dr A.K. Offenberg. The 1566 edition is the more likely as Radermacher bought 200 copies of Plantin "pour les envoyer à commune risque en Barbarie" (PP649) (ms). - Th 4º 8
B117 - [Hamisha humshê torah, etc. Antwerp, C. Plantin for master Bomberg, [5]326 =1566]. 2 vol. 8º. - S: PP, with thanks to Dr A.K. Offenberg. - Th 8º 12
B118 - [Hamisha humshê torah, etc. Antwerp, C. Plantin, [5]333=1573-74]. 8º. - S: PP, with thanks to Dr A.K. Offenberg. - Th 8º 13
BIBLE. Old Testament. Latin
B119 - Bibliorum pars prima (-quarta). Latini facti ab I. Tremellio & F. Iunio. (Libri Apocryphi. Tr. F. Iunius). Francofurti, A. Wechelus, 1575-79. 5 pt. fol. - The sale catalogue specifies two volumes only. Either Radermacher's set was bound in two volumes or consisted of two parts only. S: STCG. - Th fol 9
BIBLE. Old Testament. German
B120 - Das alt Testament zu teütsch. Tr. M. Luther. Zurich, C. Froschouer, 1527. 8º. - Vol. 1 of a two-volume set. - S: VD16. - Ger 8º-12º 42
BIBLE. Old Testament. Spanish
B121 - Biblia en lengua española. Ed. J. de Vargas & D. Pinel. Ferrara, D. Pinel, a costa de I. de Vargas; [pr. Abraham Usque], 1553. fol. - J. de Vargas is the pseudonym of Yom Tob Atias, D. Pinel that of Abraham Usque. - S: STCI. - Hisp fol 3
BIBLE. Old Testament. Selections. Polyglott
B122 - Targum seu paraphrases Caldaica Ionathani Caldaei in Hoseae, Ioëlis & Amosi atque in Ruthae historiam & Lamentationes Ieremiae. Tr. & Ed. I. Quinquarboreus. Parisiis, apud M. Iuuenem, 1556. 4º. - S: CL; or: BIBLE. Old Testament. Prophets. Polyglott. Ionathae Uzielis filii Chaldaea interpretatio sex prophetarum Hoseae, Ioelis, Amos, Abdiae, Ionae & Haggaei. (Chaldaea Ionathae in sex prophetas interpretatioMichaeam, Nahum, Habacuc, Sophoniam, Zachariam & Malachiam). Tr. & ed. Jean Mercier. Parisiis, G. Morellius, 1559. 2 vol. 4º. - The second volume was published by C. Estienne. - S: Schwarzfuchs. - S: Schwarzfuchs, with thanks to Dr A.K. Offenberg. - Th 4º18
BIBLE. Old Testament. Selections. Hebrew
B123 - [Targum ha-kadosh Yonathan ben Uziel al Hamishah humshê torah we-targum sheni al megillat Ahashweros. Basel, C. Waldkirch, 1606/7]. fol. - Anonymous Aramaic translation of the Pentateuch here wrongly attributed to Jonathan ben Uziel and the second Targum on Esther. - S: information from Dr A.K. Offenberg, acknowledged with thanks. - Th fol 128
B123a Possible identification: Daniel & Esdras (and Nehemias). [Paris : R. Stephanus, 1544-1546]. 16º. S: BNF (ms). - Th 8º 21(2)
BIBLE. Old Testament. Selections. Latin
B124 - Salomonis libri tres, Proverbia, Ecclesiastes, Canticum. Ad Ebraicam veritatem recogniti, & argumentis atque scholijs illustrati à Victorino Strigelio. Lipsiae, in officina Voegeliana, 1565. 8º. - S: VD16. - Th 8º 54(2)
BIBLE. Old Testament. Pentateuch. Latin
B125 - Mosis libri V, cum I. Caluini commentariis. Geneuae, H. Stephanus, 1563. fol. - S: Adams. - Th fol 39
BIBLE. Pentateuch. Selections. Latin
B126 - Primus (Secundus) liber Moysi qui inscribitur Genesis (Exodus). Ed. V. Strigelius. Lipsiae, I. Steinman, typis Voegelianis, 1566,72. 8º. - S: Adams; or: - - -, 1574. 8º. - The sale catalogue describes this item as 'Strigelius in Mosen' and could refer to either volume separately or to both volumes together in either edition. - Th 8º 29
BIBLE. Old Testament. Minor Prophets. Latin
B127 - XII. Minores Prophetas. Ed. & Com. Victorinus Strigelius. Lipsiae, I. Steinman, 1570. 8º. - S: VD16. - Th 8º 54(1)
BIBLE. Old Testament. Genesis. Latin
B128 - Genesis cum catholica expositione, id est, ex universis probatis theologis excerpta a quodam theologo [i.e. Augustin Marlorat]. [Geneva], H. Stephanus, 1562. fol. - S: Chaix. - Th fol 68(1)
B129 - In primum librum Mosis qui uulgo Genesis dicitur Petri Martyris Vermilij commentarii. Tiguri, C. Froschouerus, 1569. fol. - With the text. - S: VD16. - Th fol 47(1)
BIBLE. Old Testament. Joshua. Polyglott
B130 - Josuae imperatoris historia. Ed. Andreas Masius. Antuerpiae, ex officina C. Plantini, 1574. 2 pt. fol. - In Hebrew, Greek & Latin. - S: STCD. - Th fol 46(1)
BIBLE. Judges. Latin
B131 - In librum Iudicum Petri Martyris Vermilij commentarii. Tiguri, C. Froschouerus, 1569. fol. - With the text. S: VD16. - Th fol 47(2)
BIBLE. Samuel. Latin
B132 - In duos libros Samuelis prophetae qui uulgo priores libri regum appellantur commentarii doctissimi. Ed. J. Simler. Tiguri, C. Froschouerus, 1567. fol. - S: STCG. - Th fol 48
BIBLE. Kings. Latin
B133 - Melachim, id est Regum libri duo posteriors cum commentarijs Petri Martyris Vermilii in primum totum & secundui priora XI. capita et I. VVolphii in secundi quatuordecim ultima capita. Tiguri, C. Froschouerus, 1571. fol. - S: Adams. - Th fol 49v
BIBLE. Psalms. Polyglott
B134 - Psalterium, Hebraeum, Graecum, Arabicum, & Chaldaeum, cum tribus latinis interpraetationibus & glossis.Ed. Augustinus Iustinianus. genuae, in aedibus N.I. Pauli; pr. P.P. Porrus, 1516. 4º. - The sale catalogue specifies folio, but no suitable folio edition found. S: Adams. - Th fol 11
BIBLE. Psalms. Hebrew
B135 - [Sefer tehillim. Antwerp, C. Plantin, 1576.] 16º. - A sextodecimo Plantin edition of 1566 is part of a complete Bible. - S: PP, with thanks to Dr A.K. Offenberg; or: [- - - 1581]. 16º. - S: PP; or: [-] Lugd. Batavorum, ex officina Plantiniana, apud F. Raphelengium, 1592. 16º. - S: STCD; or: [-] Lugduni Bat., ex officina Plantiniana, apud F. Raphelengium, 1595. 16º. - S: STCD. - Th 12º-16º 22
BIBLE. Psalms. Latin
B136 - Ioannis Pomerani Bugenhagii in librum Psalmorum interpretatio. Basileae, A. Petri, 1524. 4º. - With the text. - S: STC. - Th 4º 46
B137 - In librum Psalmorum, Iohannis Caluini commentarius. [Geneva], oliua R. Stephani, 1557. fol. - With the text. - S: Chaix. - Th fol 40
B138 - Marci Antonii Flaminii in librum Psalmorum breuis explanatio. - Too many sextodecimo editions, all with the text of the Psalms, to list. - Th 12º-16º 10
B139 - Liber Psalmorum, cum catholica expositione. [Ed. A. Marlorat]. [Geneva], H. Stephanus, 1562. fol. - S: Adams. - Th fol 68(2)
B140 - Psalmorum Dauidis et aliorum prophetarum, libri quinque. Argumentis & Latina paraphrasi illustrati, vario etiam carminum genere expressi Theodoro Beza auctore. Geneuae, [E. Vignon], 1579. 8º. - S: Chaix; or: - - - 1580. 8º. - S: Chaix; or: Psalmorum Dauidis et aliorum prophetarum, libri quinque. Vario carminum genere latinè expressi. T. Beza auctore. Londini, T. Vautrollerius, 1580. 8º. - S: STC; or: - Geneuae, [G. Cartier], 1581. 8º. - S: Chaix; or: - - Morgiis, I. Le Preux, 1581. 8º. - S: Chaix; or: - Geneuae, J. Stoer, 1590. 8º. - S: Chaix. - Th 8º 86
B141 - Enchiridion Psalmorum : eorundem ex veritate Hebraica versionem ac Ioannis Campensis e regione paraphrasim ... complectens. Lugd[uni], Seb. Gryphius exc., 1534. 16º; or: Parisiis, ex off. Mart. Iuvenis, 1565. 16º. - S: Warsaw University Library (ms). - Th 12º-16º 11
B142 - Psalterium quincuplex latinum. Gallicum, Romanum, Hebraicum, Vetus, Conciliatum. Ed. and comm. Iacobus Faber Stapulensis. [Rouen], Pierre Olivier, for Michel Angier, 1500. - S: ISTC; or: - - Paris, H. Stephanus, 1509 - S: BL; or - - - 1513 - S: BL (ms). - Th fol 169
B143 - Psalmi, seu precationes D. Ioan. Fisheri episcopi roffensis. Lugduni [i.e. London], apud Sebastianum Gryphium [i.e. T. Vautrollier], 1572. 16º. - S: STC (ms). - Th 12º-16º 21(1)
BIBLE. Old Testament. Psalms. Dutch
B144 - Dit is die duytsche psolter. Delf, H. Eckert, 1498. 8º. - S: BL. - Belg 8º-12º 8
B145 - Den psalter met verklaringen. Delft, C. Heynrickz., 1534. 8º. - The text is a translation of the Latin version of Joannes Campensis. The sale catalogue specifies the date 1535, but unless all copies of that edition have been lost, this date must rest on a misreading or be a misprint. - S: NK; or: Den psalter des coninclijcken propheet Dauids. Col.: Leyden, P.C. van Balen, 1537. 16º. - S: STCN; or: - -, P. Claeszoon van Balen, 1538. 8º. - S: NK. - Belg 8º-12º 36
B146 - Souterliedekens. [Tr. Willem Zuylen van Nyevelt?] Thantwerpen, S. Cock, 1540. 8º. - Nine editions are known bearing this imprint, all dated 12 June 1540, eight of them probably of a later date. The music is by Clemens non Papa and Tilman Susato. - S: NK. See also Fasciculi 14. - Belg 8º-12º 7
B147 - De Psalmen Dauidis. Tr. J. Wtenhoue. Londen, J. Daye, 1566. 2 pt. 8º. - With 'De kleyne catechismus', abridged from Joannes à Lasco. - S: STC. - Belg 8º-12º 64;67
B148 - De Psalmen Davids ende ander lofsanghen, uut den Francoyschen dichte overghesett, doer Petrum Dathenum. Metgaeders den christelicken catechismo, ceremonien ende ghebeden. Heydelbergh, M. Chiraet, 1566. 8º. - S: TB. - Belg 8º-12º 69
B149 - Het boeck der Psalmen Dauids. Tr.Philips van Marnix. t'Antvverpen, G. van den Rade, 1580. 8º. S: STCD. - Belg 8º-12º 30
B150 - Het Boeck der Psalmen. Mitgaders de heylige schriftuerlicke lofsangen. Tr. Philips van Marnix. Middelburgh, R. Schilders, 1591. 8º. - S: STCD. - Belg 8º-12º 16
BIBLE. Old Testament. Psalms. French
B151 - Premier (Le second-Le tiers) livre des Pseaumes, cantiques et chansons par Guillaume Gueroult. Geneue, [G.S. Du Bosc & G. Gueroult], 2 pt. 1554, 55. 8º. - With 'Suyte du premier livre des chansons spirituelles'. Gueroult was both the translator of the Psalms and the author of the additional pieces. Set to music by G. de la Moeulle. In four voice parts. - S: Chaix. - Gall 8º 120
B152 - Cent cinquante Pseaumes de David. Tr. Clement Marot & Théodore de Bèze. Caen, P. le Chandelier, 1563. 8º. - S: Rép.bibl.16. - Gall 8º 61
B153 - Les psalmes mis en vers français par Ch. De Navieres. Anvers, A. Conincx ; pr. veuve G. Smits, 1580. 12º. S: GBV (ms). - Gall. 8º 113
B154 - Les Pseaumes de David mis en rime Françoise, par Clement Marot, et Theodore de Bèze. LaRochelle, H. Haultin, 1596. 8º. - S: Rép.bibl.16. - Gall 8º 60
BIBLE. Old Testament. Psalms. German
B155 - Der Psalter Deudsch mit den Summarien D. Martin Luthers. Wittemberg, H. Lufft, 1544. 8º. - S: VD16. - Ger 8º-12º 29
B156 - Di [sic ] Psalmen Dauids in Teutsche gesangreimen von Melisso. Haidelberg, H. Schirat, 1572. 8º. Melisso is the pseudonym of Paul Schede. - S: STCG. - Ger 8º-12º 47
B157 - Psalmen Dauids, vnd andere Geistliche Lieder: sampt dem Christlichen Catechismo. Gedruckt in der Churfürstlichen Statt Heidelberg, durch Johannem Meier, in verlegung Matthej Harnisch, 1575, [12º?]. - S: SBB (microfiche), with thanks to Drs. M. Smolenaars. - Ger 8º-12º 41
B158 - Die Psalmen Dauids in allerlei Teutsche gesangreimen bracht, durch Casparum Vlenbergium. Cöln, durch G. Calenium & die Erben I. Quentels, 1582. 8º. - S: STCG. - Ger 8º-12º 23
BIBLE. Old Testament. Psalms. Italian
B159 - De sacri psalmi di Davide. Tr. Giulio Cesare Paschali. Geneua, I. Stoer, 1592. 16º. - With 'Rimespirituali' by Paschali. - S: STCI. - Hisp 4º-12º 84
BIBLE. Old Testament. Psalms. Spanish
B160 - El Psalterio de Dauid. En Leon, en casa de S. Grypho, Tr. by Francisco de Enzinas, 1550. 8º. - S: STCS (with thanks to F. Luttikhuizen - ms). - Hisp 4º-12º 17
BIBLE. Psalms. Selections. Dutch
B161 - Psalmen die men in de Duytsche Ghemeynte te Londen was ghebruyckende. Tr. J. Wttenhove. Embden, by G. Ctematium [= Gillis van der Erve], 1558,59. 3 pt. 8º. - S: STCN. - Belg 8º-12º 12; 20; 61
B162 - Hondert Psalmen. Tr. J. Wttenhove. Embden, by G. Ctematium [=Gillis van der Erve], 1558,59. 3 pt. 8º. - The sale catalogue imprint 'Lond.' is a mistake. There was no London edition before 1561. The sale catalogue gives no date for no. 70 and 71: they could be of this or of the London 1561 edition. - S: STCD. - Belg 8º-12º 10; 70?; 71?
B163 - Hondert Psalmen. Tr. J. Wtenhove. Londen. I. Daye, 1561. 8º. - S: STCD. The sale catalogue gives no date for no. 70 and 71: they could be of this or of the Embden 1558 edition. - Belg 8º-12º 14; 18; 70?; 71?
B164 - Deleted
BIBLE. Psalms. Selections. French.
B165 - Cinquante deux pseaumes de Dauid. Tr. C. Marot. Paris, chez Guillaume Thibout, 1551. 16º.; or : - - 1552. No 1550 edition found. S : Pidoux. - Gall 8º 134
B166 - Octante trois Pseaumes de David, mis en rime Franç ;oise.Tr. Clement Marot, Theodore de Bè ;ze. [Geneva], I. Crespin, 1554. 8º. - With prayers, catechism and Ten Commandments. - S: Pidoux. - Gall 8º 137
B167 - Octantetrois Pseaulmes de David : mise en ryme francoyse a savoir, XLIX. par Clement Marot, & XXXIIII. par Theodore de Besze. [Geneve], Simon du Bosc & Guillaume Gueroult, 1555. S: Stuttgart, Württembergische Landesbibliothek (ms). - Gall 8º 130(2)
B168 - Les Cinquante deux Psalmes de David. Tr.C. Marot. Paris, l'imprimerie de Guillaume Thibout. 1558. 16º. - S: Pidoux. No 1558 edition of 50 psalmes found. - Gall 8º 119
BIBLE. Psalms. Selections. German
B169 - Der 107. Psalm zusampt dem 92. Psalm. Mit kurtzer Ausslegunge Christophori Pezelii. Newstatt an der Hardt, durch M. Harnisch, 1580. 8º. - S: STCGS. - Ger 8º-12º 9(2)
B170 - Psalmen dess Königlichen Propheten Dauids in Teutsche reimen gebracht durch Ambrosium Lobwasser. Heidelberg, in verlegung M. Harnisch; pr. J. Maier, 1594. 12º. - S: VD16. - Ger 8º-12º40
BIBLE. Psalms. Selections. Italian
B171 - Sessanta psalmi Dauid, tradotti in rime volgari italiane. [Geneva], G.B. Pinerolio, 1566, 16º. - S: Adams. - Hisp 4º-12º 81
BIBLE. Ecclesiastes. Latin
B172 - Sapientissimi Regis Salomonis Concio de summo hominis bono. Tr. A. Corranus. Londini, per I. Wolfium, expensis ipsius authoris; pr. J. Charlewood, 1579. 8º. - S: STC. - Th 8º 210
BIBLE. Isaiah. Latin
B173 - Esaiae prophetia, cum catholica expositione ecclesiastica a quodam theologo [i.e. Augustin Marlorat]. [Geneva], H. Stephanus, 1562. fol. - S: Chaix. - Th fol 68(3)
B174 - Conciones Esaiae prophetae ad Ebraicam veritatem recognitae, & argumentis atque scholijs illustratae a Victorino Strigelio. Lipsiae, in officina E. Voegelini, 1565. 8º. - S: VD16. - Th 8º 146
B175 - In Esaiae prophetae vaticinia scholae Theodorici Snepffii. Tubingae, G. Gruppenbachius, 1575. fol. - With the text. - S: STCG. - Th fol 115
BIBLE Jeremiah. Latin
B176 - Rabani Mauri commentaria in Hieremiam prophetam. Basileae, H. Petrus, 1534. fol. - With the text. - S: STCG. - Th fol 166
BIBLE. Hosea. Latin
B177 - Dauidis Parei in Hoseam prophetam commentarius cum translatione triplici. Heidelbergae, typis J. Lancelloti, impensis J. Rosae [Frankfurt], 1616. 4º. - S: CL. - Th 4º 4(2)
BIBLE. Haggai
B178 - German Auslegung des Propheten Haggei, vom Bawe Göttlichs Hauses. Durch Georgium VVicelium. S. Victor bey Mentz, F. Behem, 1542. 4º. - With the text. - S: VD16. - Ger inc [2]
BIBLE. Apocrypha. Wisdom of Solomon. Polyglott
B179 - M. Roberti Holkoth in librum Sapientiae Regis Salomonis praelectiones ccxiii. Ed. J. Ryterus. [Basel, S. Henricpetri], 1586. fol. - In Greek & Latin. - S : STCG. - Th fol 158
BIBLE. Apocrypha. Ecclesiasticus. Latin
B180 - Sirach Sapientia. Tr. Victorinus Strigelius. Lipsiae, [E. Vögelin, 1569]. 8º. - S: STCG. - Th 8º 252
BIBLE. Apocrypha. Ecclesiasticus. Dutch
B181 - J. Syrach sanghwijs [by J. Fruytiers] Antwerpen 1565. - Belg 8º-12º 21
BIBLE. New Testament. Polyglott
B182 - ‘Η Καινη Διαθηκη, Testamentum Nouum. Ed. I. Tremellius. Cuius grammatica Chaldaica et Syria calci operis adiecta est. [Geneva], H. Stephanus, 1569. fol. - In Greek & Latin. - S: Adams. - Th fol 3
BIBLE. New Testament. Greek
B183 - Της Καινησ Διαθηκηκης ‘απανηα. Nouum Iseu Christi Testamentum. Ex Bibliotheca Regia. Ed. Robertus Stephanus. Lutetiae, ex officina R. Stephani, 1550. fol. - S: STCF. - Th fol 10
B184 - Novvm Testamentvm iam qvintvm ac postremvm accvratissima cvra recognitvm à Des. Erasmo Roterodamo cum annotationibus. Basileae, Froben, 1541. fol. S: Adams. - Th fol 98
B185 - Des. Erasmi Roterodami in Nouum Testamentum ab eodem denuo recognitum annotationes, ingenti nuper accessione per autorem locupletatæ. Basileae, apud Ioannem Frobenium, 1519 fol. - S: Adams; or: - - - 1540. fol - S: VD16. - Th fol 99
B186 - Hapanta ta tes Kaines Diathekes = Nouum Iesu Christi D. N. Testamentum. [Geneva], Ex officina Roberti Stephani, 1551. 8º. 2 vol. - S: D&M (ms). - Th 8º 3
BIBLE. New Testament. Latin
B187 - Noui Testamenti catholica expositio ecclesiastica, id est, ex vniuersis probatis theologis (quos Dominus diuersis suis ecclesiis dedit) excerpta ab Augustini Marlorato. Editio secunda. Geneuae, Exc. Henricus Stephanus, Huldrichi Fuggeri typographus , 1564. fol. - S: Adams. - Th fol 69
BIBLE. New Testament. Latin
B188 - Jesu Christi domini nostri Nouum Testamentum. Tr.Theodorus Beza. Londini, T. Vautrollerius, 1576. 8º. - S: STC. - Th 8º 57
B189 - Nouum Testamentum. Tr. T. Beza. Londini, T. Vautrollerius, 1587. 8º. - S: STC. - Th 8º 56
B190 - Novum Jesu Christi Testamentum. : Ex postrema eiusdem castigatione. Interprete Sebastiano Castalione. Basileae. pr. J. Oporinus, 1572. 8º. - S: HAW. - The sale catalogue specifies a duodecimo or sextodecimo edition, but no such edition found (ms). - Th 12º-16º 13
B191 - Iesu Christi D[omini] N[ostri] Novum Testamentum, ex postrema Theodori Bezae interpretatione. Franekerae, Aeg. Radaeum, 1594. 12º. S: Warsaw University Library (ms). - Th 12º-16º 16
B192 - Testamentvm Novvm : sive nouum foedus Iesu Christi, D. N. Cuius Graeco contextui respondent interpretationes duae: vna, vetus altera, Theodori Bezae, nunc quartò diligenter ab eo recognita. [Geneva : H. Stephanus], 1589. fol. - S: D&M (ms). - Th fol 56
BIBLE. New Testament. Dutch
B193 - Het Nieuwe Testament. Tr. J. D[yrkinus]. Embden, G. van der Erven, 1559. 8º. - The printer's notice is dated 1560. - S: TB. - Belg 8º-12º 17
B194 - Het Nieuvve Testament. T'Hantvverpen, C. Plantyn, 1566. 8º. - S: PP. - Belg 8º-12º 2
BIBLE. New Testament. English
B195 - The Newe Testament of Our Lord Jesus Christ. [Ed. W. Whittingham]. Geneva, C. Badius, 1557. 8º. - S: STC. - Ang fol.-12º 25
BIBLE. New Testament. French
B196 - Le Nouueau Testament. La Rochelle, H. Haultin, 1592. 8º. - S: Rép.bibl. 16. - Gall 8º 42
BIBLE. New Testament. German
B197 - Das Neuw Testament recht grüntlich gedeütscht. Tr. M. Luther. Basel, A. Petri, 1527. 8º. - S: VD16. - Ger 8º-12º 21
B198 - Das Neu Testament Teutsch. Tr. M. Luther. Franckfurt, in verlegung S. Feyerabends, H. Tacken & P. Fischern; pr.. P. Schmid, 1586. 2 pt. 8º. - The sale catalogue specifies 1585 4º, but no such edition found. This is the nearest Frankfurt New Testament in date I have found. - S: VD16. - Ger 4º 4
BIBLE. New Testament. Low German
B199 - Dat Nye Testament, dorch D. Martinum Luther verdüdeschet. Wittemberch, dorch G. Rhuwen Eruen [for S. Selfisch], 1562. 4º. - S: STCG. - Ger 4º 3
BIBLE. New Testament. Spanish
B200 - El Testamento Nueuo. [Tr. J. Pérez de Pineda]. Venecia, en casa de I. Philadelpho, 1556. 8º. - The imprint is false; published by J. Crespin, Geneva. - S: STCS. - Hisp 4º-12º 64
BIBLE. Gospels. Harmonies. Latin
B201 - Zachariae Episcopi Chrysopolitani in vnum ex quatuor siue de concordia Euangelistarum, libri quatuor. Ed. Ammonius. [Cologne], E. Ceruicornus, 1535. fol. - S: STCG. - Th fol 157
B202 - Harmoniae Evangelicae libri IIII : in quibus Euangelica historia ex quator Euangelistis ita in vnum est contexta, vt nullius verbum vllum omissum. Authore Andrea Osiandro. Lvtetiae, ex officina Rob. Stephani, 1545. 12º - S: Yale (ms). - Th 12º-16º 2
BIBLE. Gospels. Harmonies. Dutch
B203 - Harmonia, dat is een tsamenstemminghe gemaect uut de drie Evangelisten Mattheus, Marcus ende Lucas, door Jan Calvin. Tr. G. Gallinaceus. Hier by zijn gevoecht de Handelingen der Apostelen, overghesett door J. Florianum. Antwerpen, N. Soolmans; pr. A. Verschout, Leiden, 1582. fol. - S: TB. - Belg fol 2
BIBLE. Gospels. Harmonies. Old Low German
B204 - Otfridi Euangeliorum liber. Euangelien Buch in altfrenckischen reimen durch Otfriden von Weissenburg [...] beschriben. Ed. Matthias Flacius Illyricus. Basileae, 1571. 8º. - S: STCG; Bremmer, with thanks to R.H. Bremmer for his article on the provenance of the copy of this book in Leiden University Library which once belonged to Radermacher. - Ger 8º-12º 8
BIBLE. Gospels. John. Latin
B205 - Euangelium Ioannis. Ed. Cassiodorus Reinius. Francofurti, ex officina N. Bassaei, 1573. 4º. - S: STCG, with thanks to Marja Smolenaars. - Th 4º 27
BIBLE. Gospels. Matthew. Hebrew-Latin
B206 - Torat ha-Mashiah = Evangelium secundum Matthaeum in lingua hebraica, cum versione latina, atque annotationibus Seb. Munsteri. Basileae : Petrus, 1537. fol. - S: HPBF (ms). - Th fol 168
BIBLE. New Testament. Acts. Latin
B207 - Enarrationes veteres theologicae in Acta Apostolorum ab Oecumenio: in Apocalypsim vero ab Aretha episcopo collectae. Tr. I. Hentenius. Parisiis, apud I. Roigny, 1545. 8º. - S: Adams. - Th 8º 116
BIBLE. New Testament. Epistles. Latin
B208 - Enarrationes Martini Lutheri in Epistolas Petri duas, & Iudae unam. Tr. M. Bucer. Argentorati, apud I. Heruagium, 1524. 8º. - S: STCG; or: - - - 1525. 8º. - S: Benzing, Lbibl; or: - [Augsburg, S. Ruff], 1525. 8º. - S: Benzing, Lbibl. - Th 8º 221
BIBLE. Romans. Latin
B209 - Dauidis Parei in diuinam ad Romanos S. Pauli Apostoli Epistolam commentarius. Heidelbergae, J. Lancellotus; impensis J. Rosae Francofurtensis, 1613. 4º. - With the text. - S: DLP. - Th 4º 4(1)
B210 - In epistolam S. Pauli Apostoli ad Romanos, D. Petri Martyris Vermilii Florentini [...] commentarij doctissimi cum tractatione perutili rerum & locorum, qui ad eam epistolam pertinent. Basileae, apud Petrum Pernam, 1568. Tertia editio. - S: ULC:C.3.17 (ms). - Th fol 50(1)
BIBLE. Romans. Spanish
B211 - Comentario sobre la epistola de S. Paulo a los Romanos, compuesto por Juan Valdesio. Venecia, en casa de Iuan Philadelpho, 1556. 8º. - With the text. Editor: Juan Perez de Pineda. The imprint is false; printed by J. Crespin, Geneva. S: STCS (with thanks to F. Luttikhuizen - ms). - Hisp 4º-12º 18(1)
BIBLE. N.T. Corinthians I. Latin
B212 - In Selectissimam S. Pauli Priorem Ad Corinth. Epistolam D. Petri Martyris , Florentini, ad Sereniss. regem Angliae, &c. Edvardvm VI. Commentarij doctissimi. Anno M.D.LI. Tigvri : ex officina Christ. Froschoveri, Anno M.D.LI [1551]. S: HPBF copy Yale University Library - 1568 ed. not yet found (ms). - Th fol 50(2)
BIBLE. N.T. Corinthians I. Spanish
B213 - Comentario sobre la primera epistola de San Paulo alos [sic] Corinthios. Compuesto por Juan W. [= de Valdes] Venecia, en casa de Iuan Philadelpho, 1557. 8º. - With the text. Editor: Juan Perez de Pineda. The imprint is false; printed by J. Crespin, Geneva. - S: STCS (with thanks to F. Luttikhuizen - ms). - Hisp 4º-12º 18(2)
BIBLE. Galatians
B214 - In Epistolam Pauli ad Galatas commentarius [by M. Luther]. - With the text. - Too many octavo editions to list. - Th 8º 112; 125
B215 - Dauidis Parei in diuinam ad Galatas S. Pauli Apostoli Epistolam commentarius. Heidelbergae, impensis J. Rosae [Frankfurt], typis J. Lancelloti, 1613. 4º. - S: CL. - Th 4º 5(1)
BIBLE. Hebrews. Latin
B216 - Dauidis Parei in diuinam S. Pauli Epistolam ad Hebraeos commentarius. Francofurti, impensis I. Rhodii typis J. Lancelloti, 1609. 4º. - S: CL; or : - - -, 1613. 4º. - S: CL. - Th 4º 5(2)
BIBLE. Revelation. Latin
B217 - Primasii Vticensis commentariorum libri quinque in Apocalypsim. Basileae, R. Winter, 1544. 8º. - With the text. - S: STCG. - Th 8º 201; 217
BIBLE. Revelation. Latin
B218 - In Apocalypsim D. Ioannis Apostoli commentarius Alfonsi Conradi. Basileae, apud P. Pernam, 1574. 8º. - With the text. - S: STCG. - Th 8º 230
BIBLE. Revelation. Pictorial
B219 - Les figures de l'Apocalypse exposées en latin & vers françoys. Paris, E. Groulleau, 1547. 8º. - With 'Dix histoires du Nouveau Testament'. The date in the colophon is 1551. - S: STCF. - Gall 8º 132
B221 - De summa Trinitate & fide catholica. Basileae, ex officina I. Oporini, 1555. 4º. - S: VD16. - Th 4º 65
B222 - Temporum a condito mundo usque ad ultimam ipsius aetatem supputatio. Basileae, apud I. Parcum; pr. I. Oporinus, 1558. fol. - S: VD16, with thanks to Dr D.E. Rhodes. - Hist fol. 14 (1)
B223 - Bibliotheca studii theologici, ex plerisque Doctorus prisci seculi monumentis collecta. Ex D. Aurelii Augustini libris in epitomen, ac locorum communium ordinem distributis. II. Eusebii Hieronymi operibus ex serie tomorum in compendium redactis. III. sententiis et dictis orthodoxorum, aliorum patrum per locos communes digestis: eorundemque similitudinibus, quibus passim scripturae loca illustrant ad finem cujusque tomi additis. [Geneva], apud I. Crispinum, 1565. 3 pt. fol. - S:Chaix. - Th. fol. 106
B224 - The morall philosophie of Doni. First compiled in the Indian tongue, and now Englished out of Italian by Thomas North. London, H. Denham, 1570. 4º. - Commonly known as 'The fables of Bidpai'. - S: STC; or: - -, S. Stafford, 1601. 4º. - S: STC. - Ang fol.-12º 17
BIEL, Gabriel
B225 - Sermones de festiuitatibus Christi. Ed. W. Steinbach. In Tubingensi, expensis f. meynberger, ductuque I. Otmar, 1499, 1500. 4º. - S: ISTC; or: - Hagenaw, impensis I. Rynman; pr. H. Gran, 1515. 4º. - S: VD16; or: Sermones dominicales. Hagenau, impensis I. Rynman; pr. H. Rynman, 1510. 4º. - S: VD16; or: - - - 1519, 20. 2 pt. 4º. - S: VD16; or: - in inclyta Basilea, in officina A. Petri, 1519. 4º. - S: VD16. - Th 4º 11
B226 - Gabriel super primo (in secundum - quartum librum) Sententiarum. Ed. W. Steinbach. [Tübingen, F. Maynberger; pr. J. Otmar], 1501. fol. - S: VD16; or: - Basilee, J. [Wolff] de Pfortzen, 1508. fol. - S: VD16; or: - - - 1512. fol. - S: VD16; or: - in Lugdunensi emporio, impressit I. cleyn, 1512. fol. - S: STCF. - Th fol 151
B227 - Tractatus de confessionibus maleficorum et sagarum. Auguste Treuirorum, H. Bock, 1589. 8º. - S: VD16; or: - - - 1591. 8º. - S: VD16; or: - - - 1596. 8º. - S:VD16. - JC 4º-16º 22
B228 - In M. T. Ciceronis libros III De natura deorum, & Paradoxa, commentarij. Basileae, per I. Oporinum, [1550]. 8º. - S: STCG. - Hist 8º 91
B229 - Συμφονια. 'η συλλεξις της διαθηκης της καινης. Noui Testamenti concordantiae graecae. Basileae, ex officina I. Oporini, 1546. fol. - S: STCG. - Th fol 100
B230 - De la pirotechnia. Venetia, [C.T. de' Navò]; pr. C. da Trino, 1558. 4º. - The date in the colophon is 1559. - S: STCI. - Hisp 4º-12º 7
BLACKWELL, George, Archbishop of Canterbury
B231 - In Georgium Blacuellum a Clemente octauo Angliae Archipresbyterum designatum quaestio bipartita. [Tr. J. Wilson]. Londini, J. Norton; pr. R. Field, 1609. 4º. - A combined translation of 'Mr. George Blackwel, his answeres upon sundry examinations' and 'A large examination taken at Lambeth of M. G. Blakwel'. The sale catalogue specifies octavo. - S: STC. - Inc [14]
B232 - Meer dan tvvee hondert ketteryen, blasphemien ende nieuwe leeringen, vvelck vvt de Misse zyn ghecomen. Tr. J. Pieters. [Wesel, A. van Hasselt], 1567. 8º. - Translated from the Latin, possibly from manuscript. - S: Machiels; TB; Valkema Blouw, Quaerendo 16,186. - Belg 8º-12º 40
BLONDUS, Flavius
B233 - Le historie. [vol. 2.] Ed. & tr. L. Fauno.Venetia, M. Tramezzino, 1544. 8º. - Abridged translation of 'Historiarum ab inclinatione Romanorum liber primus'. The sale catalogue specifies vol. 2 only. Vol. 1 was edited by Pope Pius II and published in 1543. - S: STCI. - Hisp 4º-12º 28
B234 - Roma ristaurata, et Italia illustrata. Tr. L. Fauno. Vinegia, M. Tramezzino, 1543. 8º. - Translated from 'De Roma instaurata. De Italia illustrata'. - S: STCI. - Hisp 4º-12º 30
B235 - Il Decamerone. Ed. G. Ruscelli. Venetia, V. Valgrisio; pt.2 pr. G. Griffio, 1552. 2 pt. 4º. - S: STCI; or: - Vinegia, G. Giolito & fratelli, 1552. 2 pt. 4º. - S: STCI; or: - - C. da Trino, 1552. 8º. - S: STCI; or: - Ed. L. Dolce. Vinegia, G. Giolito & fratelli, 1552. 12º. - S: STCI. - Hisp 4º-12º 1
B236 - Περι γεηνεσλογιασ Deorum, Libri quindecim. Ed. I. Micyllus. Basileae, apud I. Hervagium, 1532. fol. - S: VD16. - Hist fol 95
B237 - La Theseida. Ed. T. Gaetano. Vinegia, G. Pentio, 1528. 4º. - S: STCI. - Hisp 4º-12º 14
B238 - De la demonomanie des sorciers. Paris, I. du Puys, 1581. 4º. - S: STCF. - Gall 4º 16
B239 - Methodus ad facilem historiarum cognitionem. Parisiis, apud M. Iuuenem, 1566. 4º. - S: STCF. - Hist 4º 55
B240 - Les six livres de la republique. Paris, I. du Puys, 1577. 8º. - Translated from 'De republica'. - S: Adams. - Gall 8º 24
BODIUS, Hermannus
B241 - Vnio dissidentium. Libellus omnibus vnitatis & pacis amatoribus vtilissimus. [Cologne, c.1528]. 8º. - Adams mentions a possible identification of the pseudonym Hermannus Bodius as that of Joannes Oecolampadius, but does not give the source and VD16 has not accepted it. - S: VD16; or: - Antuerpiae, per M. Caesarem; pr. G. Dumaeus, 1531, 8º. - S: Adams; or: - Basileae, apud B. VVesthemerum, & N. Brylingerum, 1537. 8º. - S: VD16; or: Vnio dissidentium locorum Scripturae, hoc est, libellus vtilissimus. Basileae, apud B. VVesthemerum, 1541. 8º. - S: VD16; or: Vnio dissidentium, libellus vtilissimus. Basileae, apud N. Bryling., 1551. 8º. - S: VD16; or: - - apud N. Bryling:, 1557. 8º - S: VD16. - Th 8º 211; 220
BOETHIUS, Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus
B242 - Opera quae extant omnia. Ed. H.L. Glareanus & M. Rota. Basileae, apud H. Petrum, 1546. fol. - S: STCG; or: - Ed. J. Murmelius [a.o.]. Basileae, ex officina Henricpetrina, 1570. fol. - S: STCG. - Hist fol 77
B243 - De consolatione philosophiae. - Too many folio editions to list. - Hist fol 113
B244 - De consolatione philosophiae. - Too many quarto editions to list. - Hist 4º 72
B245 - Dit es de tafele dienende vijf bouken Boecij de consolatione philosophiae. Ghend, Arend de keysere, 1485. fol. - The date 1484 in the sale catalogue must be a misreading. - S: BL. - Belg fol 11
BOGERMAN, Johannes
B246 - Ad scripti Hugonis Grotii partes priores duas, in quibus tractat causam Vorstij et Remonstrantium, annotationes. Leovardiae, A. Radaeus, 1614. 4º. - S: Knuttel. - Th 4º 47(2)
BOISSARD, Jean Jacques
B247 - IV pars Antiquitatum Romanarum siue Antiquitates Romanae. Francfordii, impensis T. de Bry; pr. A. Faber, 1598. fol. - The date 1598 given in the sale catalogue applies to this volume only out of a set of six volumes published between 1597 and 1600. - S: VD16. - Hist fol 64
B248 - Icones diuersorum hominum fama, & rebus gesstis [sic] illustrium. Metis Mediomatric., A. Faber, 1591. 4º. - S: BN. - Hist 4º 70
BOLTZ, Valentin
B249 - Illuminierbuch, künstlich alle Farben zumachen. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1571. 8º. - S : VD16. - Ger 8º-12º 7(5)
BONAVENTURA, Saint, Cardinal, Bishop of Alban
B250 - Opus super primo libro (in secundum librum) sententiarum. [Nuremberg], impensis I. Kobergis; pr. I. Sacon, [Lyon], 1515. fol. - With the text of the 'Sententiae' by Petrus Lombardus. Preceded by 'Index alphabeticus siue repertorium Iohannis beckenhaub in scripta bonauenturae super quattuor libris sententiarum'. With Sacon's device. The imprint has been derived from vol. 3 and 4. - S: STCG. - Th fol 153
B251 - Opus in tertium librum sententiarum. Sumptibus I. Kobergis Nurenbergensis; pr. I. Sacon, [Lyon], 1515. fol. - S: STCG. - Th fol 180
B252 - Sermones de tempore et de sanctis. [Ulm], per I. Zainer, 1480. fol. - S: STCG; or: - - [J. Otmar], 1484. fol. - S: STCG; or: - - - 1485. fol. - S: STCG. - Th fol 177
B253 - Rerum Ungaricarum decades quatuor cum dimidia. Ed. I. Sambucus. Francofurti, apud A. Wechelum, 1581. fol. - S: VD16. - Hist fol 23
B254 - Apodeixis anti-christianismi, qua christianismum veram religionem, papismum pharisaismum simillimum esse ostenditur. Geneuae, E. Vignon, 1583. 8º. - S: Chaix. - Th 8º 107(2)
B255 - Assertio veteris ac veri Christianismi, aduersus nouum & fictum Iesuitismum seu Societatem Iesu. [Heidelberg], apud I. Mareschallum, 1576. 8º. - S: STCG. - Th 8º 92
B256 - Breuis notatio praecipuarum causarum diuturnitatis controuersiae de Coena Domini. Heidelbergae, I. Maier, impensis M. Harnisch, 1576. 8º. - S: IndAur; or: - Neapoli Nemetum, typis M. Harnisch, 1582. 8º. - The colophon of the 1582 edition reads: 'Heidelbergae, excudebat I. Maier, impensis M. Harnisch, 1576'. S: STCG. - Th 8º 91
BOR, Pieter
B257 - Oorspronck, begin ende aenvang der Nederlantscher oorlogen. 'sGraven-hage, B.C. Nieulandt, 1603. fol. - S: STCN. - Belg fol 12
B258 - Commentaria in quatuor Institutionum Iustiniani imperatoris libros. Helmstadii, impensis L. Brandes; pr. I. Lucius, 1590. 4º. - S: VD16; or: - [Helmstedt], impensis heredum L. Brandes; pr. I. Lucius, 1595. 4º. - S: VD16; or: - Ed. S. Borcholten. Helmaestadii, impensis heredum L. Brandes; pr. J. Lucius, 1595. 4º. - S: VD16. - JC 4º-16º 8
B259 - De nummis in Rep. percutiendis & conservandis libri duo. Hanoviae, apud C. Marnium & heredes I. Aubrii, typis Wechelianis, 1608. 4º. - S: Paisey. - Hist 4º 35(3)
BORRHAUS, Martinus
B260 - In Aristotelis Politicorum, sive de republica libros octo annotations. Basileae, per I. Oporinum, 1545. 8º. - S: VD16. - Hist 8º 89
B261 - In Iesaiae prophetae oracula commentarii. Eiusdem in Apocalypsim Ioannis explicatio. Basileae, per I Oporinum, 1561. fol. - S: VD16. - Th fol 103
B262 - In sancti viri Iobi historiam commentaria. Eiusdem in Salomonis concionem quae Ecclesiastes inscribitur annotationes. Basileae, per P. Pernam, 1564. fol. - S: VD16. - Th fol 127
B263 - Dispvtatio historica de primis Tvngrorvm, sev Leodiensivm episcopis. Item Chronologia Posteriorum. Leodii, Christian Ouwerx, 1612. 4º. - S: SBB (ms). - Hist 8º 1
BOUELLES, Charles de
B264 - Caroli Bovilli Samarobrini Geometricum opus duobus libris comprehensum. Lvtetiae, apud M. Vascosanum, 1557. 8º. - S: BN. - Hist 8º 149(2)
B265 - L'histoire ecclesiastique, proposant l'entière et vraye forme de l eglise. [Geneva], A. Chauvin; [pr. C. Badius], 1560,62. 2 vol. fol. - Vol. 2 bears the imprint 'Geneue, A. Chauvin'; pr. F. Perrin & J.B. Pinereul. - S: Chaix. - Gall fol 16
B266 - Paraphrase, ov briefve explication sur le Catechisme. Lion, S. Honorati & S. Barbier, 1564. 8º. - S: IndAur. - Gall 8º 37
B267 - Somme rurael. Delff, [J. Jacobszoon van der Meer], 1483. fol. - Translated from 'La somme rural'. - S: ISTC. - Belg fol 19
B268 - De rebus in Gallia, & penè toto orbe gestis, commentariorum libri XVI. Parisiis, e typographiâ P. Cheualerii, 1610. 8º. - S: BL. - Hist 8º 40
BOXHORN, Hendrik
B269 - Anticuyckius et commentariorum de eucharistica harmonia, libri tres, aduersus Henrici Cuyckii orationem paraeneticam. Lugduni Batauorum, ex officina L Elzeuirij, 1598; Wourdae, apud A. Schoutenum, 1599. 8º. - S: STCD. - Th 8º 168
BRENZ, Johannes, the Elder
B270 - Catechismus pia et vtili explicatione illustratus. [Ed. C. Graeter.] Francofurti, ex officina typographica P. Brubacchii, 1551. 4º. - S: VD16; or: - - P. Brubacchius, 1554. 4º. - S: VD16. - Th 4º 30; 63(2)
B271 - De personali vnione duarum naturarum in Christo.1571. 8º. - S: VD16; or: - VVitebergae, M. VVelack typis I. Schwertelij, 1578. 8º. - S: VD16. - Inc [36]
B272 - Epitome Colloquii inter Principum Friderici Palatini Electoris, & Christophori Ducis Wirtenbergensis Theologos, de Maiestate hominis Christi, deque vera eius in Eucharistia praesentia, Maulbrunnae instituti per VVirtenberges Theologos ad amicos suos perscripta. [Tübingen, U. Morhart], 1564. 4º. - The preface only signed by Johannes Brenz, but the whole attributed to him. Original title: Warhafftiger vnd gründlicher Bericht von dem Gesprech zu Maulbrunn gehalten. - S: Pfaffius;VD16. - Th 4º 32
B273 - Esaias propheta, commentariis explicatus. Francoforti, ex officina P. Brubacchii, 1550. fol. - S: VD16; or: - - 1550. fol. - S: VD16; or: - - excudebat P. Brubachius, 1562. fol. - S: VD16; or: - Francoforti ad Moenum, apud haeredes P. Brubachii, 1570. fol. - S: VD16. - Th fol 116
B274 - Explicatio epistolae Pauli ad Galatas. Francoforti, ex officina P. Brubacchii, 1548. 8º. - S: VD16; or: - - - 1550. 8º. - S: VD16; or: - - -1560. 8º. - Th 8º 75(2)
B275 - Explicatio epistolae Pauli ad Philippenses. Francoforti, ex officina P.Brubachij, 1548. 8º. - S: VD16; or: - - ex officina P. Brubacchij, 1550. 8º. - The date in the colophon is 1548. - S: VD16;or: - - - 1560. 8º. - S: VD16; or: - - [P. Braubach], 1562. 8º. - S: VD16. - Th 8º 75(1)
B276 - In Acta Apostolica homilia centum viginti duae. Haganoae, ex officina P.Brubacchij, [15]35. fol. - S: STCG; or: - - ex officina P. Brubachii, 1536. fol. - S: VD16; or: - Francoforti, ex officina P. Brubachii, 1541. fol. - S: STCG; or: - - - 1546. fol. - S: VD16; or: - - - 1553. fol. - S: VD16; or: - - - 1561. fol. - S: VD16. - Th fol 94
B277 - In Evangelii quod inscribitur, secundum Lucam, duodecim priora capita homiliae centum & decem. - Too many folio editions to list. - Th fol 93
B278 - Protocoll, Das ist Acta oder Handlungen des Gesprechs, zwischen den Pfältzischen vnd Wirtenbergischen Theologen, von der Vbiquitet des Leibs Christi. Im April 1564 zu Maulbrun gehalten. Samt der Pfälzischen Theologen Gegenbericht. Heydelberg, durch J. Mayer, 1565. 4º. - Anonymous. Only the first part is by Brenz. - S: Zangemeister;VD16. - Ger 4º 38
B279 - Sententia, de libello D. H. Bullingeri, cui titulus est, Tractatio verborum Domini: In domo patris mei mansiones multae sunt. Tubingae, apud viduam V. Morhardi, 1561. 4º. - The sale catalogue specifies octavo, which would apply to Bullinger's work, but does not apply to Brenz's critique of it. - S: VD16. - Inc [37]
BRES, Guy de
B280 - De wortel, den oorspronck ende het fundament der vvederdooperen. Tr. I.D.R. [s.l., J. Canin], 1570. 8º. - Translated from 'La racine, source, et fondament des Anabaptistes'. TB tentatively identifies the translator as Joris de Raedt and suggests Wesel as place of printing. The printer is identified by the device. - S: TB. - Belg 8º-12º 13;15
B281 - A breuiat chronicle contayninge all the kinges from brute to this daye, and many notable actes vnto the yere M.v.c.lii. - Too many octavo editions to list. - Ang fol.-12º 32
B282 - Reuelationes celestes praeelecte sponse Christi beate Birgitte vidue, de Regno Sueciae: in octo libros diuise. Ed. Matthias de Suetia & Alphonsus quondam Episcopus Giennensis. [Nuremberg], sumptibus I. Kobergers; pr. F. Peypus, 1517. fol. - S: STCG; or: - sumptibusque & impensis I. Kobergers [for F. Waldauf]; pr. F. Peypus, 1517. fol. - S: VD16. - Th fol 183
B283 - Apocalypsis Apocalypseos, id est Apocalypsis analysi et scholiis illustrata. Francofurti, apud viduam L. Hulsij, 1609. 4º. - S: CL. - Th 4º 52
B284 - Commentarius in Cantica Canticorum Solomonis, analysi & scholiis illustratus. Adjecta est ultimae et difficillimae prophetiae Danielis explicatio. Basileae, impensis L. König; pr. C. Waldkirchius, 1614. 8º. - S: CL. - Th 8º 49
B285 - De antibaptismo in papam et in ecclesiam Romanam deque eorum idolo zeli libellus. Lugduni Batavorum, in officina I.I. Paedts; [pr. A. Verschout], 1580. 8º. - S: Adams, TB. - Th 8º 185(2)
B286 - In Apocalypsim paraphrases. Lugduni Batauorum, apud A. Schutenum, 1580. 8º. - S: Adams. - Th 8º 150; Inc [62]
B287 - Libri duo, alter ad Christianos de prophetia, quae nunc compleatur in his, quae sunt secundi aduentus Domini, alter ad Hebraeos de primo, & secundo eiusdem aduntu. Lugduni Batavorum, ex officina C. Silvij, 1581. 8º. - S: STCD. - Th 8º 185
B288 - Mystica, et prophetica libri Geneseos interpretatio. Lugduni Batauorum, 1580. 4º. - According to both Adams and TB the imprint is false, according to TB not printed in the Netherlands. - S: Adams; or: - - 1584. 4º. - The imprint equally false as the above. - S: Adams; or: - Interpretatio emendatior, & aucta. Bremae, per T. Gluichstein, 1585. 4º. - S: STCG. - Th 4º 61
B289 - Mystica et prophetica libri Leuitici interpretatio. Lugduni Batauorum, A. Schutenus, 1580. 8º. - S: Adams. - Th 8º 185(3); Inc [63]
BROECKER, Frederik
B290 - Antidotum errorum praecipuorum: comprehensorum, in Tractatu de Deo & Apologetica exegesi, D. Conradi Vorstii. Amstelredami, ex officina P. Petraei, 1512 [1612], 4º. - S: Simoni. - Th 4º 58
BROMYARD, Joannes de
B291 - Summa predicantium. [Basel, J. Amerbach, 1484?] fol. - S: STCG; or: - Nurenbergk, Koberger, 1485. fol - S: STCG; or: Summa praedicantium. Norimbergae, sumptibus A. kobergers, 1516. fol. - S: IndAur; or: Summa praedicantium. [Nuremberg], sumptibus A. kobergers; <i.pr.< i=""> J. Stuchs, 1518. fol. - S: Adams; or: Summa praedicantium. Ed. A. Ritius. Venetiis, apud D. Nicolinum, 1586. 2 pt. fol. - The date in the colophon is 1585. - S: STCI. - Th fol 173
BRUELE, Gualtherus
B292 - Praxis medicinae theorica et empirica familiarissima. Antuerpiae, ex officina C. Plantini, 1579, fol. - S: PP. - Med fol 32
B293 - Dat gulden ghebedenboecxken wt den ouden ende nieuwen testamente vergadtert. Thantwerpen, I. van Liesuelt, 1532. 8º. - S: NK; or: Dat gulden ghebede boecxken wt den ouden ende nieuwen Testamente vergadert. Tantwerpen, I. van Ghelen voor vander Haghen, 1532. 8º. - S: NK. - Belg 8º-12º 68
B294 - Theses seu communes loci totius rei medicae. Ed. J. Munterus. Argentorati, G. Vlricher, 1532. 8º. - S: STCG. - Med 8º 59
BRUNI Aretino, Leonardo
B295 - Libro della Guerra de ghotti. Tr. L. Petroni. In Firenze, per li heredi di P. di Giunta, 1526. 8º. - Translated from 'De bello italico adversus Gothos'. - S: STCI; or: - In Vinegia, per N. d'Aristotele, detto Zoppino, 1528. 8º. - S: EDIT; - or: - In Venetia, G.Giolito di Ferrarij, 1542. 8º. - S: STCI; or: - Vinegia, G. Giolito, 1548. 8º. - S: STCI. - Hisp 4º-12º 73(1)
B296 - Libro della prima guerra deli Carthaginesi con li Romani. Firenze, per li heredi di P.di Giunta, 1526. 8º. - Translated from 'De bello Punico'. - S: STCI; or: Venegia, al Segno di S. Bernardino; pr. G. Iolito, 1542. 8º. - S: STCI; or: - In Vinegia, G. Giolito, 1544. 8º. - S: STCI; or: - - 1545. 8º. - S: STCI; or: - - - 1548. 8º. S: STCI. - Hisp 4º-12º 73(2)
BRUNO Nolano, Giordano
B297 - Cabala del cauallo Pegaseo. Con l'aggiunta dell'asino Cillenico. Parigi, A. Baio, 1585. 8º. - and/or : La cena de le ceneri. 1584. 8º. - Anonymous. - and/or: De la causa, principio et vno. Venetia, 1584. 8º. - and/or: De gl'heroici furori. Parigi, A. Baio, 1585. 8º. - and/or : De l'infinito vniuerso et mondi. Venetia, 1584. 8º. - and/or : Recens et completa ars reminiscendi. [c.1583]. 2 pt. 8º. - and/or: Spaccio de la bestia trionfante. Parigi, 1584. 8º. - The sale catalogue specifies 'Trattati cinque diversi' and the date 1584 which may refer only to the first of the books bound together in a tract volume. All the above were in fact published by J. Charlewood, London, except the 'Ars reminiscendi' which was published jointly by J. Kingston & J. Charlewood, London. Other editions exist of the separate works, but the intentional collection indicated here makes the London editions very likely as the one owned by Radermacher. - S: STC. - Hisp 4º-12º 52
B298 - 'Varia', 8º. - Too vague to identify. - Hist 8º 189(1)
BUCER, Martin
B299 - Christliche Reformation , Das ist, wolgegründter Bericht, von Gottseliger Reformation der Kirchen vnd Pollicei durch Israelem Achacius. Strassburg, S. Emmel, 1568. 4º. - Pseudonymous. The sale catalogue specifies 1534 and octavo or duodecimo, but no such edition found. - S: Stupperich; IndAur. - Ger 8º-12º 20(1)
B300 - Du royaume de Iesus Christ. Geneue, J. Berthet, 1558. 8º.- S: Chaix; or: Deux liures du royaume de Iesus Christ. [Lausanne? J. Rivery?], 1558. 8º. - Translated from 'De regno Christi'. The sale catalogue specifies 1568, but no such edition found. S: IndAur. - Gall 8º 115
B301 - In sacra quatuor Euangelia, enarrationes. [Geneva], oliua R. Stephani, 1533. fol. - S; Adams. - Th fol 65(2)
B302 - Metaphrasis et enarratio in Epistolam ad Romanos. Basileae, apud P. Pernam, 1562. fol. - S: Adams. - Th fol 66(1)
B303 - Praelectiones in Epistolam ad Ephesios, habitae Cantabrigiae in Anglia. Basileae, apud P. Pernam, 1562. fol. - S: Adams. - Th fol 66(2)
B304 - Psalmorum, libri quinque traducti et a M. Bucero enarrati. Eiusdem commentarii in librum Iudicum, e& in Sophoniam. [Geneva], oliua R. Stephani, 1554. fol. - S: Chaix. - Th fol 65(1)
B305 - Scripta Anglicana fere omnia. Ed. C. Hubertus. Basileae, ex P. Pernae officina, 1577. fol. - S: STCG. - Th fol 67
B306 - Von der waren Seelsorge, vnnd dem rechten Hirtendienst. Strassburg, W. Rihel, 1538. 4º. - Translated from 'Vermanung an alle Diener des Worts Gottes.' - S: VD16. - Ger 4º 9(1)
B307 - De iure regni apud Scotos dialogus. [Edinburgh, J. Rosseus], 1580. 4º. - S: STC; or: - Editio secunda. [Antwerp, G. van den Rade], ad exemplar J. Rossei, Edinburgi, 1580. 4º. - S: STC. - Inc [48]
B308 - Franciscanus & fratres. Basileae Rauracorum, T. Guarinus, [1568]. 8º. - With other poetical works by Buchanan and others. - S: STCG. - Hist 8º 144
B309 - Rerum Scoticarum historia. De iure regni apud Scotos. Edimburgi, apud A. Arbuthnetum, 1582. fol. - S: STC. - Hist fol 33
BUCHOLZER, Abrahamus
B310 - Cronologia, hoc est annorum supputatio. [Heidelberg], in officina Sanctandreana, 1594. 8º. - S: Port; or: - - 1598. 8º. - S: Machiels; or: - - 1599. 8º. - S: Machiels; or: - - 1616. 8º. - S: Paisey. - Hist 8º 75
B311 - Isagoge chronologica, id est: opusculum, ad annorum seriem in sacris Bibliis contexendam, compendio viam monstrans. Accessit index chronologicus. Francofordiae ad Oderam, in officina I. Eichorn, 1577. 8º. - S: VD16; or: - [Heidelberg], in officina Sanctandreana, 1596. 8º. - S: VD16; or: Isagoge chronologica, cum Indice chronologico. Ed. G. Bucholzerus. Gorlicii, typis & sumptibus I. Rhambae, 1599. 8º. - S: STCG. - Hist 8º 76
BUDÉ, Guillaume
B312 - Annotationes in quatuor & viginti Pandectarum libros. Parisiis, ex officina R. Stephani, 1535. 2 pt. fol. - S: STCF. - Hist fol 106(2)
B313 - Commentarii linguae Graecae. Parisiis, ex officina R. Stephani, 1548. fol. - S: STCF. - Hist fol 84
B314 - Forensia Gvlielmi Bvdaei, consiliarii regii, libellorvmqve magistri in praetorio: Qvibus uulgares uere Latinæ Iurisconsultorum loquendi formulæ traduntur. Basileae, apud Episcopium iuniorem, 1557. 8º - S: SBB; VD16 (ms). - JC 4º-16º 11
B315 - Lucubrationes uariae quibus adiunximus Epistolarum Latinarum ac Graecarum libros vi. Basileae, apud N. Episcopium iuniorem, 1557. fol. - S: STCG. - Hist fol 106(1)
B316 - De monetis et re nummaria libri duo. Coloniae Agrippinae, apud I. Gymnicum, 1591. 4º. - S: STCG. - Hist 4º 90
BUENTING, Heinrich
B317 - Chronologia. Seruestae, sumt. A. Kirchneri; pr. B. Faber, 1590. fol. - S: Adams; or: - - - 1591. fol. - S: Adams. - Hist fol 16
B318 - Absoluta de Christi domini et catholicae eius ecclesiae sacramentis. Londini, S. Myerdmannus, 1551. 8º. - S: STC. - Th 8º 226
B319 - Adhortatio ad omnes in ecclesia Domini nostri Iesu Christi Verbi Dei ministros, vt contentiones mutuas deponant. Tiguri, apud C. Froschoue., 1572. 8º. - Translated from `Vermanung an alle Diener des Worts Gottes'. - S: VD16. - Ger 8º-12º 30(2)
B320 - Bericht der krancken. Zürich, C. Froschouer, 1535. 8º. - S: VD16; or: - Augspurg, H. Steyner, 1536. 8º. - S: VD16; or: - Zürich, Froschouer, 1538. 8º. - S: VD16; or: - - - 1544. 8º. - S: VD16; or: - Zürych, C. Froschouer, 1553. 8º. - S: VD16; or: - - - 1564. 8º. - S: VD16. - Ger 8º-12º 3(4)
B321 - Bericht wie die so jhres glaubens ersucht werdend, antworten mögind. Zürych, C. Froschower, 1559. 8º. - S: VD16; or: - - - 1560. 8º. - S: VD16. - Ger 8-12º 3(3)
B322 - Bullae papisticae ante biennium contra reginam Elizabetham promulgatae, refutatio. Londini, apud I. Dayum, 1571. 4º. - S: STC. - Th 4º 85
B323 - Compendium Christianae religionis è Germanica lingua in Latinam conuersum. Tr. J. Simler. Tiguri, apud Froschouerum, 1556. 8º. - Translated from 'Summa Christenlicher Religion'. - S: VD16; or: - - apud Frosch., 1559. 8º. - S: VD16; or: - - C. Froschouerus, 1563. 8º. - S: VD16; or: - [Zürich], typis I. VVolphii, 1598. 8º. - S: VD16. - Th 8º 157; 219
B324 - Confessio Et Expositio Simplex Orthodoxae fidei, & dogmatum Catholicorum syncerae religionis Christianae concorditer ab Ecclesiae Christi ministris, qui sunt in Helvetia, Tiguri, Bernae, Scaphusii, Sangalli, Curiae, Rhetorum & apud confoederatos, Mylhusii item, & Biennae, quibus adiunxerunt se & Genevensis Ecclesiae ministri. Tiguri, Froschoverus, 1566. 8º.- S: VD16. - Th 8º 206
B325 - Daniel propheta expositus homiliis LXVI. Tiguri, C. Froschouerus, 1565. fol. - S: STCG; or: - - - 1575. fol. - S: Adams; or: - - - 1576. fol. - S: STCG. - Th fol 112(2)
B326 - De Scripturae Sanctae authoritate. Tiguri, in officina Froschouiana, 1538. 4º. - S: Adams; or: - Accessit Responsio ad I. Cochlei de Canonicae Scripturae authoritate. Tiguri, apud Froschouerum, 1544. 4º. - S: Adams. - Th 4º 74
B327 - De Scripturae Sanctae praestantia, dignitate, excellentissimaque authoritate dissertatio. Tiguri, C. Frosch., 1571. 8º. - S: VD16. - Th 8º 36
B328 - Ieremias expositus concionibus CLXX. Tiguri, C. Froschouerus, 1575. fol. - S : Adams. - Th fol 112(1)
B329 - In Acta Apostolorum commentariorum libri VI. Tiguri, apud C. Froschouerum, 1535; or: - 1556. fol. - S: Panzer. No 1546 edition found. - Th fol 113(4)
B330 - In Apocalypsim conciones centum. Basileae, per I. Oporinum, 1557. fol. - S: Adams; or: - - - 1559. fol. - S: Adams; or: - - per S. Regium, 1570. fol. - S: STCG. - Th fol 91(2)
B331 - In diuinum Euangelium secundum Ioannem commentariorum libri X. Tiguri, apud Froschouerum, 1543. fol. - S: Adams; - or - - - 1548. fol. - S: STCG; or: - - - 1556. fol. - S: STCG. - Th fol 114(1)
B332 - In Euangelium secundum Lucam commentariorum libri IX. Tiguri, apud C. Froschouerum, 1546. fol. - S: VD16. - Th fol 113(3)
B333 - In Euangelium secundum Marcum. Tiguri, apud Froschouerum, 1545. fol.- S: VD16. No 1546 edition found. - Th fol 113(2)
B334 - In Euangelium secundum Matthaeum commentariorum libnri XII. Tiguri, apud Froschouerum, 1546. fol. - S: VD16. - Th fol 113(1)
B335 - In omnes Apostolicas epistolas commentarii. Tiguri, apud C. Froschouerum, 1537. fol. - S: Adams. - Th fol 114(2)
B336 - Ministrorum Tigurinae ecclesiae, ad confutationem D. Iacobi Andreae, pro Defensione Brentiani testamenti aeditam, apologia. Tiguri, C. Froschouerus, 1575. 8º. - According to Vischer Bullinger is named as the author on fol. T2r. - S: Vischer. - Th 8º 72
B337 - Openbaringe Jesu Christi. Door Joanni den Apostel ende Evangelist gheopenbaert. Nu met 101 predicatien verklaert. [Emden, W. Gaillaert], 1567. 4º. - Translated from 'In Apocalypsim Iesu Christi conciones centum'. - S: TB. - Belg 4º 15
B338 - Sermonum decades quinque. Tiguri, in officina C. Froschoueri, 1557. fol. - S: STCG. - Th fol 119
B339 - Somma des Christelicken religions. Tr. G. Gnapheus. [Steenwijk, H. 't Zangers], 1567. 8º. - Translated from 'Summa Christenlicher Religion'. - The sale catalogue specifies a slightly different title and the date 1558, but no such edition is now recorded. - S: TB, which lists an anonymous edition of 1562, perhaps printed in Emden, of which no copy is now known. - Belg 8º-12º 47
B340 - La source d'erreurs. Geneve, J. Girard, 1549. 8º. - Translated from 'De origine erroris'. - S: IndAur. - Gall 8º 30
B341 - Teghens de VVederdooperen, ses boecken. Tr. Gerard Nicolai. Embden, [J. Malet], 1569. 4º. - Translated from 'Adversus Anabaptistas libri vi', itself translated by Josias Simler from 'Der Widertöufferen vrsprung, fürgang, Secten, wäsen abgeteilt in VI bücher'. - S: TB;Machiels; or: - - - 1580. 4º. - S: TB; Machiels. - Belg 4º 6
B342 - Veruolgung. Von der schweren, langwirigen veruolgung der Heiligen Christlichen Kirchen. Zürich, C. Froschouer, 1573. 8º. - S: VD16. - Ger 8º-12º 30(1)
B343 - Von dem zytlichen Gut. Zwo Predginen [sic] Heinrich Bullingers, erstlich in Latin beschriben, demnach in Tütsche spraach vertolmetschet, durch Johansen Hallern. Zürych, C. Froschouer, 1554. 8º. - The original probably part of 'Sermonum decades quinque'. - S: Vischer. - Ger 8º-12º 19(2)
B344 - Von den Concilijs. Zürych, C. Froschouer, 1561. 8º. - Translated from 'De conciliis'. - S: VD16. - Ger 8º-12º 3(2)
BURCHARDUS de Monte Sion
B345 - Descriptio terrae sanctae, et regionum finitimarum, auctore Borchado, monacho Germano ... quem vixisse accepimus circa annum ... M.CC.XXCIII. Magdeburgi, excudebat Paulus Donatus, impensis Ambrosij Kirchneri, 1587. 4º - S: Durham (ms). - Hist 4º 68(2)
BUSAEUS, Joannes
B346 - Pro calendario Gregoriano disputatio apologetica. Moguntiae, ex officina G. Behem, 1585. 4º. - S: STCG. - Inc [15]
BUSBEQUIUS, Augerius Gislenius
B347 - Legationis Turcicae epistolae quatuor. Parisiis, apud Ae. Beys, 1589. 8º. - S: Adams. - Hist 8º 162(2)
BUSTI, Bernardino de
B348 - Mariale. Mediolani, per V. scinzenzeler, 1492. 4º. - S: STCI; or: Mariale de excellentiis Regine celi. Mediolani, per L. pachel, 1493. 4º. - S: STCI;or: - Lugduni, I. Cleyn, 1502. 4º. - S: STCF; or: - Coloniae Agrippinae, sumptibus A. Hierati, 1607. 4º. - S: Paisey. - Th 4º 35
BUTEO, Johannes
B349 - Logistica. Lugduni, apud G. Rouillium, 1559. 8º. - S: STCF; or: - - - 1560. 8º. - S: STCF. - Hist 8º 152
B350 - Opera geometrica. Lugduni, apud T. Bertellum, 1554. 4º. - S: STCF; or: - - apud M. Iouium, 1559. 4º. - S: STCF; The date in the colophon is 1554. - Hist 4º 21(2)